Simple Topbar 3.0 | Update!

New Project - 2022-12-26T003805.888 (2)

  • Easy Button finder

New Project - 2022-12-26T003805.888

Simple Topbar was created to make making topbars more easy! Create sleek and wonderful topbars with little to no effort!

New Project - 2022-12-26T003648.267

New Project - 2022-12-26T003805.888 (3)

To use SimpleTopbar simply drag the module script into server script service (SSS) and create a new script.

To load in a topbar icon open the script and use,

local module = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService").SimpleTopbar)
module.newTopbar("self", "name","rbxassetid://image here", width)

Now change name to what you want your buttons name to be called, set image here to your image ID and width to the width of the topbar button, (use 32 for square).

Example: Screenshot 2022-12-26 173037


to refer to the topbar button just do

game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.TopBarUI.Bar.ButtonName -- change button name to the button name you specified

Hope you all enjoy! - Spa_rkk

New Project - 2022-12-26T003805.888 (4)
To make icons for the plugin I would highly recommend photopea ( it is free and in the browser! It is a very good alternative to PS (photoshop) If you are trying to get a perfect fit for your topbar button if your button is lets say 64 x 32 just times them by 10, that will make sure your image lines up perfectly with the button.


You can now easily find the buttons with:

module.buttons[] -- replace empty space with what button (1,2,3 ect)

to use this lets just say we create 2 buttons, to find the first one you would run the code above and replace the empty space with a 1 now replace it with a 2 for the second button!


This is great, thanks for making this!

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This is amazing! Thanks alot man

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Sorry, but can you explain what’s actually different from TopbarPlus and the reason to use this?


I’ve never actually looked into TopbarPlus, but from what I see when I download it is that it is more complex and harder to add custom things too.

I think you should look into OOP to add more function to the icons instead of getting the reference.

With OOP you could do something like this:

local Icon = -- Creates a blank icon
Icon:SetName("An Icon") -- Sets the  name duh

Icon.Activated:Connect(something) -- This would require a custom signal class
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Tried this I just get lost at

return setmetatable(newCar, Car)
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Can you provide more info? I don’t know what the problem is

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TopbarPlus is very simple, professional, and has been worked on for a while, I don’t see the point of using this when TopbarPlus exists

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Do whatever you want I guess. I don’t really care what you use, if you can’t give feedback then you can leave.

It’s not complex, but simple. But I won’t get onto you for why you made this, as you did not know about it. Without knowing about such a resource and making one of your own is awesome! Keep it up!

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