SimpleAnimate | An easy-to-use & flexible module replacement for the default Animate script

Ok so i gotta sleep, update willbe finished tomorrow gauranteed :+1:


  • Redid the entire module to use OOP instead of having to put it inside every rig!

    The download link has been updated to the new module as the PackageLink has been updated (those who still use the old version can still use it)

    Example usage:

    Since this is such a MASSIVE change, of course the documentation will need to be updated. Working on that right now :sweat_smile:


Documentation has been updated!
For those who are still using the old version I recommend switching to the new one

Amazing update, I think this module has a potential of streamlining the whole Animation process.

Although, Iā€™m not sure how I could change the speed of Core animations.
How would I do that?

Does the size of the character affect animations speed, as well?

To change the speed of the core animations you can go to the PoseController module ā†’ PoseController:PlayAnimation() since thats where animations are played

And no, size doesnt affect speed (atleast it shouldnt)

Can you convert some of your modules to use the creator marketplace? Not that I donā€™t trust .rbxm files but I like to be able to import things from the toolbox.

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Alright Iā€™ll make some creator marketplace products for them real quick, SimpleAnimate first (however do mind that since you canā€™t save PackageLinks to the creator marketplace youā€™ll have to manually update the module anytime an update comes out!)

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Iā€™m aware of this and I know thatā€™s the reason you transitioned your resources to use files. I apologize for the extra hassle of updating it on the creator marketplace, but do keep in mind there are a ton of people that would use your resource if not for the fact that they donā€™t download files, for safety reasons (this can apply to packages, so thatā€™s another reason to have marketplace available) or just to not clutter their PC.

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Also, do you know why animations play MUCH faster than with the default Animate script?

Idk i guess the default Animate script has alot more convolutions along the way between a Humanoid state change and actually playing the animation? Canā€™t confirm though, I do not understand any of it :sob:

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Nevermind, it was my own fault lol.

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Just to be sure, if I want to access the AnimationController for a rig from another script (to play actions for example,) I just have to call .new() with the rig, right?

Ah no, unfortunately it is not shared :confused: I can easily implement a .fromExisting() method if you want though

That would be pretty useful. What were the actions supposed to be used for without one? If I wanted to make a tool that had an animation, was I supposed to use a bindable to play the animation in the animate script or something?

Added in the newest package version :slight_smile:

Yeah I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t add this from the start xd

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Oops i forgot to return the controller hold on


Actually, why not just make .new check if one already exists at the start then return it?

Ahh but what if someone wants to create a new AnimationController for a rig that already has one? Then it wouldnā€™t work

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Would there really be a use-case for doing that? Honestly, itā€™s fine either way.

Also, do I have to manually destroy the controller if the rig dies?

Ehh I donā€™t know but Iā€™m keeping it incase someone needs it (and also .fromExisting() is alot clearer in what itā€™s trying to do and prevents race conditions where 1 script is creating a new controller at the same time as another one)

Also Iā€™ll probably add a yielding constructor like .waitForController(rig) for those who want it

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