SimplePath - Pathfinding Module

ah, ok, different issue , of moving … maybe the waypoints it is going to are to close together

?/and or timing… what causes the delay ?

Ping/latency. The pathfinder is caught up to the player on the server, but on the players’ screen you are “ahead” of the pathfinder, causing it to “lag” behind the player. The higher ping, the more “lag” they seem to have.

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is it possible to set the goal to be the player instead of a part?

It should not be looping every half a second! It should be looped outside the function to constantly search for players.

Hey this issue popped up for me using simplepath is there a way to fix this?

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Is there any way to tell it how wide the character is? My custom rig keeps getting stuck, but using a normal rig works fine. Ive had problems with just using roblox pathfinding so I decided to try this out, but still cant get it to work.

Edit: found it! you just need to put it in when you call, agentparameters)


my npc can’t catch up to me despite having faster walkspeed?

what i have so far:
pathfindtest.rbxl (68.7 KB)

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There’s this issue where the NPC cannot walk over unions/meshes but only normal parts.
For an example, I cannot make the NPC walk on stairs made of meshes or unions…

Anyway to fix this?

Hey! is there a way to delete the paths after the humanoid died? because it lags my game having alot of humanoids spawn then die but the paths remaining

You can easily do:

if Path._status == "Active" then

in the script where you run Path:Run(goal)

Maybe set the CollisionFidelity to PreciseConvexDecomposition. Mine goes over unions just fine.

This world will BURN.

That’s very strange…I just tried it and I’m afraid this doesn’t work either? The NPC is still having trouble to get to these meshes/unions when the targeted goal is on top of these objects.

If your referring to the goal being the player’s character, you can just make the goal the position of the humanoid root part.

Would you be able to provide a .rbxl with said mesh and pathfinder? As I cannot seem to reproduce this bug.

I’m having trouble, my humanoid doesn’t wanna jump at all when needed to jump in order to follow the player
Here’s the code block that’s uses SimplePath:

Try replacing local path = with this: local path =, {agentCanJump = true})

It didn’t help, the AI is still unable to jump when needed

Try it with the AgentHight.

local path =, 
{AgentCanJump = true,
AgentHight = 7.5}