This is really nothing special I dont know why this is being recommended
We were all waiting for your opinion on a module you haven’t used and don’t understand the use case for, thank you.
That is wonderful news I’m soo happy
please publish on wally
Hey so like. I have this island terrian. And pretty much there are random parts placed around the map
when they spawn in they are just like this

How do i fix this
It seems the Path:Run() call from your script is returning false. Verify this by printing the return value to the output and if this is the case, you might want to consider enabling Show Navigation Mesh from studio settings to make sure all the parts are reachable.
Oop. I fixed it! sorry but yea there wasnt any nav mesh and there was a part like 9000 studs below. But i have another question. How do i make them climb ladders?
Climbing ladders is not currently supported by PathfindingService, but it may be coming soon using PathfindingLinks based on the info written at the bottom of the Pathfinding tutorial page.
Hello! Dropping by for a question. Is it possible to get a constructed path from a different script? I looked through the API but didn’t find what I needed. The enemy system I’m making currently uses a server script and a module script, and I can’t retrieve a path without constructing a new one.
Thank you.
Have you tried using a remote event?
Really cool module. Just had one strange thing. Was computing a path and realized that it’s trying to draw a path that quite literally goes through a wall?
You can notice that little red marker against the wall. Not sure if that’s pointing out that it’s blocked and needs to redirect or something else, but either way when it’s recomputing a path, it’s still drawing it through that wall.
I’ve been printing out the error type and it just gives me “ComputationError” and “LimitReached” every time it tries to recompute. Is this possibly a Roblox issue?
Does anyone else find this?
Yeah… i think this module is outdated and no longer be worked on
this module lacks many features as of the new pathfinding features and there is no way to even know if the npc has reached its destination
it’s not “outdated” because it literally uses the roblox pathfinding system underneath…all the pathfinding features are available to you while using this module in my experience. (i.e. material cost weighting, which i’m already using with this module) Climbing specifically might be tbd.
Arxk, that looks like it’s computing for a jump over the wall potentially? In my experience sometimes roblox’s pathfinding needs some help to avoid routes it thinks are navigable by placing some blocking material with a high “cost”.
I was trying to use it in my game to handle some NPC pathfinding, but somewhere in the code something was causing huge drop overtime in the hearthbeat of the game. Ive made a pathfinding handler based in the SP structure and now the problem was solved.
If you guys wanna take a look at the code that i was using to try to find the problem, just send me a dm.
btw, great job with the module.
Very Nice! Keep up the great work!
I’m sure somebody has asked this already, but what would be the most efficient and easiest way to make it target a player?
This module is simply amazing. It’s so simple yet so smart, how did I not think of this before? Thank you so much. Props to you man, haven’t had a single problem with it once.
Hmm, if my random goal position is near a wall then my npc tries to go to it and is too big to reach it despite setting a high agentRadius, but doesn’t stop trying till it errors in a few secs. What to do what to do… Can I deal with this using the module or will i need to implement my own pathfinding entirely?
Also the Discord Server link just takes me to this page again
does path:Destroy disconnect events?