Simplifying Community Standards & Introducing Advertising Standards

This is something I’d never thought I’d see but now it looks like it could become a possibility? Wonder if that type of pass would fall into a grey area with moderation though.

In the real world means advertising “Martial Arts Tycoon” is acceptable, right?


‘Specific’ presumibly means any sort of real project. The guideline is just banning promotion of any sort of real cryptocurrency/blockchain related projects, that’s as far as it goes if i’m reading it correctly


This update could lead to some law suits.


It is very easy to manipulate children, these ads did this regularly, regardless if they we’re “targetted” or not. That is possibly why the change to fit in with legal requirements and other standards within the advertising world. There are a lot of edge case rules for advertisements for children, so its easier for Roblox to instead of moderate all ads under 13 year olds for all these types of content (often requiring quite a thorough check) to just block under 13 year olds from seeing them.


Honestly I am happy to see Roblox pulling advertisments from users who are 13 and under in basically every reguard. Advertising to children is legally messy, easily morally ambigious, and honestly questionable in it’s best times.

I think a lot of people don’t understand that things as simple as depicting a model toy helicopter flying on a TV comercial as flying using string that can’t be seen is something that has been held in the US as false advertising as the target audience (children) wouldn’t understand that the helicopter does not fly on it’s own. Advertising to children has strict guidelines, and for Roblox to show good faith that it is monitoring it at scale becomes tricky as well.

Outside of that I’m excited to see Roblox embracing in-experience ads and creating foundations both for how they should be regulated and policies to appropertly control when and to who they are displayed.


Just like the Chat functionality and several other features on Roblox, the Advertisement API checks for the birthdate specified in the settings. This is used to determine whether a player is 13+ or <13. If the user is <13, ads are hidden on the website, and therefore, should be hidden from Experiences as well.

Also, do donation booths count as ads? Many of them use game passes for donations.


Whilst a lot of these rules are definitely helpful for the community and Roblox as a corporation itself, a lot of them they are extremely vague and that is my main problem with this. However, it is definitely the right and moral move to keep ads only for those that are above the age of 13.


I know, you don’t need to go to University to know that, I meant taht us as Developers have almost no way of knowing that, the only one being to check if ads are allowed


My game have a Billboard about my other game, with a clickable button, after clicking the button you are prompted if you really want to join another game.

Does anyone know if this is considered ads? Since it’s just me promoting my other games


I’m not sure, I think ads is considered when you are advertising another Experience, in thsi case you are simply prompting the Player to go to your other Experience


Yeah. I think ads is when you show something from other users. Will still research more to be safe


How can one act with integrity when the platform supports developers who steal assets and steal IP?

I’ve worked on a few well known games outside of Roblox and even though, it’s not directly my work, it’s still stealing from what I helped build. There are tons of assets on the marketplace that is ripped from games that I have worked on and helped develop. The fact that Roblox actively pushes these experiences to the front page is incredibly worrying and toxic to the user base.

You can’t expect your users to have integrity when the basic principles of upholding that yourselves is baseless.


You should be fine, I got the definition:
a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy.
INFORMAL: a person or thing regarded as a means of recommending something.
ARCHAIC: a notice to readers in a book.


If I were to advertise another Roblox game (with a PLAY button and the game’s decal) in my own Roblox game, would I still have to hide it from under 13’s and clarify that it is an advertisement?

This is very important to me - if anyone could help, that would be great


Wait! Thsi means that Games made specifically to advertise other’s Games will not be allowed?!


Yeah that’s advertisement still.


Where did you get that from……?


Google, where should’ve I got it?
Oxford Languages, to be exact


Could you let staff answer these questions and stop spreading misinformation?


Well, if putting a teleport to my other Experience is advertising then…
[I can’t say these things here]