Simulator or Tycoon?

Hello I would like to know which game is liked more by the popularity of roblox and what kind of games survive longer than our former game that was a obby.

Would really like advice in replies thanks.

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This is my opinion.

Simulators are just cash grabs that don’t have actual fun gameplay.

Tycoons are more fun I think. You can earn money and build a tycoon, y’know basics tycoon stuff.

So, I would go with tycoon.


Take a look!

Though, here is my opinion:

I would honestly say both are almost the “same”, why, you ask, well, its because both the Simulators and Tycoons have one repetitive objective, which is gain money, to then get more upgrades, though both of them alsoo have different things. One of the games i mostly like, is Miner’s Haven, which is an Tycoon(Said by the owner at least.), but it provides MUCH other features, such as “rebirths”, i would also call it, Adv. Tycoon/Unique Tycoon.

In my opinion, a simulator seems good to work with as a solo developer. However, if you’re going for a tycoon, I would recommend you make it unique like how Theme Park Tycoon 2 works. A traditional tycoon wouldn’t work very well, since there is no wow factor.


I honestly believe the key is not in which genre of game to go for but in the execution. I have seen both simulators (Fishing Simulator) and Tycoons (Lumber Tycoon, Theme Park Tycoon) do extremely well. Their success in my opinion rests on the following points:

  • A unique idea ( Why play your game over others?)
  • Repayable game loop (keeps the game alive for longer because people come back)
  • Give the player control over what they want to do next, explore, build etc.
  • Frequent updates to keep players coming back
  • High quality finish (good looking models, ui, no game breaking bugs etc.)

They are fueled by the same motive, money

Pros of a Simulator:

  • could have an expansive concept
  • more monetisation possibilities
  • possibly more content that can be covered, I dont see someone making a Harry Potter-themed tycoon or any other branded thing ( boo hoo yeah legal problems, i dont want to get flagged for getting into that so please dont MENTION IT )
  • Currently more trendy than tycoons

pros of a tycoon

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My idea is to make a simulator,tycoon that isn’t “pay2win” in a matter of fact more like fair gameplay.

  • But I don’t know if tycoons will survive without pay2win or if simulators won’t survive. But every game has to have atleast one product to earn profit to continue developing the game that’s the common sense of a game development team.

Oh, I just realised I didn’t finish my post off, sorry!

But if your going for a less monetised game, tycoons are the way, but you might need a budget for advertisements!

If you want to make a simulator/tycoon, try to make a unique one. Problem is, most simulators have same concept actually, just grinding nonsense.

So I suggest you make a tycoon, make a unique and good one. Play some roblox tycoon games, and try to find a unique design that will get a big hit.

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In my opinion both kind of game types are not really good, simulator’s are cash grabs and tycoon’s get boring fast. If you do any tycoon or simulator make it unique and interesting not like all those games which are the same. Theme Park Tycoon 2 or Retail Tycoon aswell as some more are good examples.

Both have the same outcome of losing continuous players when the game isn’t being advertised.

Definitely simulators. Most tycoons are just a kit made without any effort. Simulators still take time to make but it is worth it.

Simulators/tycoons are cash grabs only. Both are not worth it if you’re looking to create a name for yourself + make a quality popular game. If you’re looking for money, go with simulator. Tycoon is more or less the same thing but simulators are the bigger craze right now, you just need a quality idea.