Skibidy Toilet Piggy Thumbnail

Yeah. I know the theme is pretty brain rotted but I was more so just trying to help a friend and get some practice.

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Iā€™m so ready to blow all of my money on this game :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:


I would suggest removing all the ui infront of those characters and on the sides and also cropping the image so that the roblox default ui is gone the piggy logo can stay but i would suggest doing your own logo since it looks exactly the same like the one from the real piggy game.

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I would suggest deleting the gameā€¦


I donā€™t know what to tell you. It must be the weekend.

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What does ANY of this mean? I am genuinely frightened.

Iā€™ll tell him to make tons and tons of game pass so you max out your credit cards and Crazedā€™s credit card.

I was told to feature well, key features including POWs and Diaherria hence why the cubes are present.

I didnā€™t make the game, itā€™s not even finished. I just produced the thumbnail.

It means a game where you play as a cybernetic pig who receives missions from the President to hunt down Skibidi Toilets.

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any game I have to take out a loan for, I instantly enjoy

You got hidden talent, please keep it hidden.


Totally agree. The game will also feature a crypto like feature where you invest in really questionable meme coins like Utahā‚¬ according to my friend.

I tell people Graphic Design is my passion.

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Itā€™s always the weekend when your optimistic

So i just did a completely fresh install, i feel great, logged in everything ready to view the devforumā€¦ This is the first post i see


This isnā€™t a thumbnail itā€™s a game picture! Try something simplier with what you want to promote!

Thank you for the recommendation. It is not an in game image of the game but rather something I rigged up in studio.

At least itā€™s interesting? Better than an argument.

i want to try this. i bought some bleach. can you dm me a link?

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