Skinned MeshPart Studio Beta

That looks amazing, I’m sure many people have been anticipating this and I have been too. Will make sure to try it out :slight_smile:

This will change roblox for good, hopefully it’s not extremely glichy. it would be cool to see this possible with any type of rigs.

That’s really cool , i can’t wait for this feature !

But… i have a question , will the future R15 avatars use bones instead of multiple body parts ?

Is there a reason why I can’t play the animations in-game?
Tried everything but apparently it doesn’t work
I don’t get any errors and it prints after the action

local Idle = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animations.Idle)    
print("Idle Played")
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WOW This look cool and i am very happy that i am a Beta Programmer because they can test things before it releases !


Such as? Can you elaborate? I’m not sure what the point of these posts are if you’re not going to elaborate.


Did you read the original post? Re-sizing isn’t supported atm.


ooo, this definitely will give roblox that step up to becoming more of a realistic virtual enviorment. I remember roblox earlier when all was new. Players characters would be block like and give a childish/cartoonish perspective to the game. This makes me wonder how far roblox can go in terms of realisim. I expect to see alot more in terms of realism ex: Future is Bright but other changes to the character and overall gameplay. I can’t wait to see roblox in a few years and see something completely different from what it is now! Time to deal with hurricane Isaiah (currently on tornado watch wish me luck).

@BixbyAlan I found there are several differences. The left avatar has Plastic materials, the right has Fabric. The UVs are different, and so are the textureIDs.
@AllYourBlox - I see they are both using Humanoids. I vaguely remember you (or I) changing the textures and uvs so that each body part had its own texture for the S15. The R15 has the same TextureID for all Parts - so the Humanoid texture compositor is indeed responsible for the difference in texture resolution.
I’ve updated the original post to correct the error that this is the only difference.
Once these differences are resolved I will update the picture, and share the .rbxl.


I’m excited a lot… it will be good to make things with it.

@FilteredDev Although Bones don’t have the equivalent of a Motor6D’s C0/C1, a Bone’s CFrame can represent one of the those, and you can add a Bone below in the DataModel hierarchy to represent the other.
Maybe @ContextLost can comment on the choice of inheriting from Attachment.

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Hi, I tried uploading my .FBX (It’s from mixamo) and I got an instant crash when I tried to use the R15 option from the Avatar Importer.

I can Privately DM the FBX if need be.


@IF0rst No. There are no plans to switch R15 avatars to use Bones.


@MrWarriorAnt Please use ‘Custom’ for non-R15 assets. Sorry it crashed; I will update the known issues.


Makes Sense, any plans on when there will be official documentation?


I am trying to import the custom rig i made, however it keeps saying that the part named blah doesn’t exist. Do i need to have a part corresponding to every bone name? image

(The bone named root used to be named “Chicken”)


Will scaling be added soon as well? Like blender?

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In that case you are severely misinformed.

Who is ‘we’? I don’t mean to be that person but you appear to have no experience in professional Roblox development, let alone game development.


Animations dont work. There is no error but it doesnt seems to load into the bones

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“But will the Skinned MeshPart support only a single mesh part or multiple mesh parts?”
Each MeshPart has a single meshId.

Also will there be a tutorial for using Skinned MeshParts? (In Roblox)”

“And finally, will the rig limit stay to 50K after the beta?”
Not sure.

“Anyways, this is a great feature! Keep up the good work!”
Thank you