Skinned MeshParts are live!

why you want specific that size?
in game industry textures are aways go double
4096 is the current texture size for ps5/xbox one X
as know as 4k texture.

Probably not for a while. Having users with slower connections (such as myself) wait around for multiple 4k textures to download will make users not want to play your game when you could substitute it with a lower res texture even if it does mean you have to sacrifice some detail. Plus, super high res textures can take up a lot of memory and could impact more restrained hardware

Roblox would have to have some sort of game installing system. So the necessary resources must download to partially install the game, so when next time player opens up the game, the game loads faster. If developers updates some things, Roblox will of course update and install the resources.

That actually sounds like a good idea for Roblox’s future. If the client worked like Steam, so instead of the website, you browse everything on the client, and when you want to play a game, you’d download it to play. (I do hope roblox improves security of game assets if this becomes reality.)

This could bring Roblox closer to competing with other platforms.

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Very much agree, honestly someone shout make a sepperate post about this. Its really exciting to think about the possibilities with this.

Edit - Custom loading screens isntead of just your place image, high res textures, very quick loads, so on

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You would need to rig the armor to the body pretty sure

Yes and no, It would be an interesting option, but in many ways Roblox is ahead of the gaming industry, with streamable gaming (heavy lifting is in the cloud and you just port in). The accessibility and the ability to reach low end devices is a huge target market for the foreseeable future. So in that way, trying to be steam like could very well be a step backwards, here in the near future.

You could compress the texture serverside, lowering bandwidth requirement and blow it back up on stronger devices. Someone just needs to get creative :slight_smile: It is clear they want to provide the ability to make assets more visually appealing so I’m sure they are willing to put things on the road map if its good.

Other Roblox strengths are community and the potential for cross game interaction, integration and progression with a universal avatar, yet people are still stuck trying to remake the past, following old paradigms.

Skinned meshes are wonderful for games willing to embrace the spectrum of avatars available to players.

We will see.


How would you go about swapping the pieces of armor? Would it break the rig? And would you have to reload another character?

Steps to use the example Lola S15 .fbx file as a StarterCharacter:

  1. Use the AvatarImporter, R15 option to import the .fbx given in the initial post.
  2. Rename the imported “ImportedR15Rig” to “StarterCharacter”
  3. Move the StarterCharacter, under StarterPlayer.
  4. Hit the blue run button.

To answer how to make your own skinned StarterCharacter…
You could import that same .fbx into an authoring tool such as Blender.
Then remake the mesh parts to your new design.
Authoring skinned mesh depends on the tool you are using such as Blender, Maya or Max.
Once you know which tool, there are many online tutorial videos.


@LaAeroooo You can connect skinned MeshParts with a variety of connections. Eg. a hinge or ball socket.


Thanks for the feedback. I’ve logged this as an issue to be fixed.


There are several issues with importing multiple meshes.

Yes, there is a bug where the offset of the first Bone is incorrect causing the character to rise in the air.
It will be fixed, but in the meantime you workaround this by selecting the first Bone and using the translate tool to bring the character back down to the ground.

Since MeshParts cannot be parented to (or animated) by Bones - the best way to handle your eyes is to skin the verts of the eyes to the head joint. Then the eyes MeshPart can be welded to the body, and the eye mesh will move with the head due to the skinning.

Until we have a way to select the animation from the Blender file you will need to make separate .fbx export files for each of the animations.


We haven’t been able to locate such an option in studio. Where can one toggle ‘show bones as constraints’ ?

How come the S15_Lola_IPose.fbx Skinned MeshPart doesn’t have any bones???
How do you achieve vertex deformation without the bones in it?

Yes but, they will not skin without a weld, motor or weld constraint. That means that even with the constraints connected, without any weld or motor, the meshes WILL NOT skin together.

However with the weld or motor, as well as the constraints, the meshes DO INFACT skin, yes, however I have now created a solid rig, where each mesh is welded.

EDIT - I am so sorry, i have no idea how I have not managed to get it to work prior to this. It seems that they do infact cause the mesh to skin aswell, I am really sorry.

here this is why, its r15. and thats how you import characters. It still technically has bones and its still a skinned mesh.


Sorry if I used the wrong terminology. That’s the internal naming.
The box is called ‘Constraint Details’:


The S15 Lola .fbx does have bones/joints.
When it’s imported in Studio, because the Parts have the same names as the joints it uses those to animate the mesh instead.
This way the Instances in the workspace remain the same, and there is backwards compatibility with existing places that use R15 characters.
In short, the MeshParts act as the bones.


Any plans for bone scaling? Not sure how hard that would be to implement, but looking at other online threads about different engines, it seems to be pretty complex.

However it would be very helpful as it would essentially fix all of the animation importing issues with the mesh scaling/shrinking.


Would be an excellent addition!

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