Skinned MeshParts are live!

Neato. I am working on something worm-ish; might come in handy.

I made this back during the beta. It did work sort-of correctly but I believe I stopped for the night when I was trying to fix something, and left it in an even worse state. Too lazy to fix zzz

But the idea exists and has room to be expanded upon.


Are there any tutorials on how to rig R6 avatars in Studio?

I tried importing the Blender rigs I use for artwork into Roblox Studio, but thereā€™s too many triangles on them.

Plus I wanna try making rigs only in Roblox Studio from now on instead of using Blender, which can take an hour per rig there.


This isnā€™t really related to the new feature, but the first example shown once again reminds me how Iā€™m really not enjoying this idea of leaning towards realistic-avatars. Should it be an option? Sure, and the classic style will always be an option, but I donā€™t want the focus of Robloxā€™s style to be hyper-realistic. I feel like ā€œWe encourage you to try out and maybe switch to these new realistic avatarsā€ is going to be thrown in our faces soon.


Avatar Importer Docs havenā€™t been updated but is this how it is intended to be used? I saw that @PeZsmistic had the same issue in the beta thread and from what I understand it looks correct? However in the animation editor the MeshParts (Torso and Head) have no influence over the skinned mesh.



Iā€™ve made animations with my new mesh character, in roblox animation editor, but they arenā€™t playing.
Iā€™m using the exact same default roblox character control script that a character uses. It works for normal custom characters, but for some reason, itā€™s not playing within the mesh. What are other people using to play the animations for their mesh characters?

EDIT: I found the reason. I was using an AnimationController AND a Humanoid in the model, when you are only meant to have one or the other.

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I donā€™t know of a single well optimized production AAA title that uses the same mesh for physics and visuals. Using a model divided into segments together with a skinned mesh will yield the same accuracy with much less of a performance impact.


@RobieTheCat Canā€™t wait to see this on peopleā€™s avatars! :smiley:

Question: Will the user be able to change its body parts?

Example: all of the avatarā€™s R15 body parts are regular parts, but one of its arms has Skinned Meshpart Arm Impossible?

Thank you!


I donā€™t understand what I am doing, I donā€™t know how to even animate a cool character from Counter-Strike 1.6!!!


Will you implement a default option for skinned R15 avatars? This would be a great new standard.


There is a bug in the Importer where the Parts are not connected in the same hierarchy as the joint chain.
You can manually fix this by changing the way the Parts are connected.
Instead of them all connecting to the root part, make a chain: Torso connects to HumanoidRootPart, Head connects to Torso.
I will add this to known issues.


Looks amazing!

I tried a few demo games, and I could see many developers using this feature in the future.

Great work! :+1:


Yes - you will be able to combine skinned and non-skinned body parts.


@Sentross I totally agree with the 2nd question you asked , Roblox does need some texturing work as I saw in CloneTrooperā€™s Demo, the texture looks really blurry and could use a better resolution for texturing maybe such as 4096 x 4096. Roblox could use more high-quality look for 3D models and clothing textures.


@RobieTheCat Really?! Even with custom rigs (like mixing Motor6D with Bones)?!

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The texture on the character looks blurry in that game because the assets were ripped from a game made over 20 years ago.


Here is the structure of Frogge. He is a standard Motor6D-rigged R15 made of MeshParts, with the usual hemispherical caps at the joints. He works fine as a rigid R15, which is all he was in game before the feature was turned on.

But all of his R15 parts are actually skinned MeshParts, so the joints are smooth now that this feature is enabled. Additionally, his Head and RightHand parts have bones for controlling his face and fingers respectively. Bones and Motor6Ds are designed to be used together. The restriction is that BoneInstance can be parented to MeshParts, and to other bones, but MeshParts cannot (yet) be parented to Bones. So the bone-based features have to be at the leaf ends of the skeleton tree.


Will the standard r15 rig move over to this? Even if not, incredible update!


Wow, this is now live. Just want to say finally! This is litteraly one of the best updates ever for meshes. Thanks a lot!


Anytime I try to import a rigged character I just get a blank screen on the avatar importer and nothing happens. Studio isnā€™t hung or anything. I can exit out the white screen and continue to use studio, just nothing happens.


I canā€™t seem to select the bones unless I manually select them with the animation editor tab