I’ve got a milky way skybox I want to display at night. (I can’t make it show at day or when the sun is up, because that isn’t realistic)
But, due to roblox auto-removing the skybox at night this makes things much more difficult. I’ve seen games like Space Sailors do this, but I have no idea how they did it.
Is there any way to get around this? I’ve searched in the forums and haven’t found a real solution yet.
(Oh, and sorry if this is the wrong category, I couldn’t find anything else that matched)
u could put milky way skybox in serverstorage or smth, then when its night time u put it back and when its at day time u remove it ( with scripts of course)
I can’t do that since roblox removes (or very heavily dims?) the skybox at night. I’ve already got the system working where it replaces the skybox but it doesn’t display.
Figured this out by seamlessly toggling an inverted sphere (with my skybox decals on it) with a viewport frame at night. Thanks for the help anyway!
There’s a template here: How do you make a sky dome? - #5 by joesmaller_xyz