Skybox Black/Transfers to Another Place Bug

Studio has a bug where the skybox doesn’t load in, and there is also another bug where if you go to another place with a different skybox, the previous skybox from the other game follows you to it.

Image 1: Black skybox, me originally opening it from my rbxl file (you can tell by the lighting that its day time, but for some reason, it has a black skybox

Image 2: Me going to another place

Image 3: Me going back to Image 1’s place

As you can see, Image 2’s skybox followed to Image 3’s game, and when you open rbxl files, the skybox is usually default Black, and this happens when you sometimes create a New Baseplate too.

This started happening around a week or so ago, didn’t really pay much attention to it until now since the places I work at has pretty similar skyboxes.

I’ve tried removing the Skybox and it doesn’t work, however, if you go to Model and paste in a different Skybox, it sometime works. I’ve reset Studio multiple times.

My Mac Specs:

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Can Confirm this is happening, Although restarting studio fixes it, still quite annoying whenever I open my place the skybox is missing.

I reset it a few hours ago, but pretty much for me, I had to fully uninstall Roblox Studio and re-download for it to go back to normal.

It’s been happening for me for 1 or 2 months now but never really paid attention to it since simply restarting studio for me fixes it however not sure why restarting does not fix for you.

We’ve been getting similar reports of a “pure black sky” in my game, in live game servers. We didn’t change anything with the game. This started yesterday evening.

This is not the night-time sky, it doesn’t have stars. We also checked scripts, and it shows even when it’s supposed to have the day time sky.

EDIT: Forgot to include the game link. Also, we use an Atmosphere.
Game link:

You’ll want to include a game link probably.


Just to note, some users experience this with Atmosphere, which has been reported as a separate issue. Not sure if it’s related to this thread, but something to keep in mind.


The engineers need some info from you developers that are experiencing this issue. They would like Dxdiag info with machine specs so they can try to figure out whats going on. You can DM me the files so you dont have to post them publicly.

I think this is related to this bug I’ve been having:

I’ll attach a dxdiag to this post as well.

EDIT: Maybe I’m not the only one?