Skydiving System HOW TO

it is english slang for “laughing out loud” it is commonly used to make fun of somebody

It means you are mocking me

You have used animation to change and it will give you a good result

Lets keep this post sky didving system related and nothing else please.

What about using Animation Weight?

I know we are talking in DM’s xD_Mk0

I told you before this, do what you want in the player in the air

And I mean animation

We differ in the idea. Each person chooses what is able to do the best

No, what I am asking is that how can I merge two animations because if I play free fall anination then the diving anination rifht after, the anijtion jumps from free fall to diving without merging with a transection.

You have to link the events you want with the animation. Each event creates a specific animation

I prefer animation over other methods

Some see that it does it in a different way

Im not sure if you understand what im talking about.

I would like to help you, but if there is something that I do not understand, you must explain it to me

You must communicate what you think best and reinforce it with pictures and videos so that we can provide you the best help

You asked me the question and I would be very happy if I could help you

Alright, can you explain me how I useb Animation Adjest Weight for smoother transections between 2 animations?

I don’t really transition between my falling animation and my diving animation, they are both static poses and Roblox auto animates the transition which looks ok since they are pretty similar poses. Both are ‘action’ priority and looped. Hope that helps.

I think the fall track just keeps playing. I play the dive track over top of it, and stop it when the movedirection == 0, and the fall track is still playing(until stopped later)

What do you mean @Danielmasterlions is correct smh, you need to set their priorities to be the same then play them at the same time

So If I have the freefalling animation in a loop and play that, then I play the diving animation over it, roblox will add a auto transection over? Is that what your’re trying to say?

That is what mine does, yep. But my two animations are pretty simple, just static poses really. The roblox ‘fill in’ makes the arms sweep from front to back, that is not part of my animations.

Ahhh okay, so yours is just poses not actual “animations”. Do you know how I can get a smooth transection on an actual animation?

There are many other topics

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How did you check the movement direction?

There is a property in the humanoid called “Walk Direction”.