Skyrim UI fade in

I want to achieve a skyrim-style UI fade in [Video below] I’ve managed to get a UI gradient working
on the text itself but I don’t know how to script it to fade in

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In terms of a whole fade, you can use the TweenService. However, I don’t know how you would do it so each letter fades in individually.

local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")
local info =, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)

for _, v in ipairs(itemHolder:GetDescendants()) do
    if v:IsA("Frame") then
        ts:Create(v, info, {BackgroundTransparency = 0}):Play()
    elseif v:IsA("UIGradient") then
    elseif v:IsA("TextLabel") then

Insert a UIGradiant and tween its transparency value…

local gradiant ="UIGradiant")
local tween = game.TweenService:Create(gradiant,, {Transparency = 0})

I hate it when this happens, I always make a post and then find the solution on another STRAIT AFTER even though Ive already searched for ages, heres the solution… Smooth UI fade out

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Just as I mentioned above. :neutral_face:

Anyway, good luck on your game.

You may try a UIGradient combined with an image or text label and set the gradient to effect transparency. Then update the number sequence over time with a script to fade from left to right.

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