Sliding with Raycasting?

I’m creating an Inventory system, and I’m trying to give my items their own custom physics.

I’ve set up the items to be above any surface by 6 studs(can change in the future), and I’m trying to figure out a way I can use normals to create a sliding effect, whenever the objects are on slopes.

Here’s my current testing code:


	local RayPart = script.Parent

	local RayCastParams =
	RayCastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
	RayCastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Norm, RayPart}

	local RayCast = workspace:Raycast(RayPart.Position, RayPart.CFrame.UpVector * -1000, RayCastParams)
	if RayCast then

RayPart.CFrame = +,6,0))


In this image, I want the Item above, to slide down to the position of the blue item.

For use normals, you can use a 'RaycastResult; in your code the ‘RaycastResult’ is the ‘RayCast’ variable. You need get the normal using:

local normal = RayCast.Normal

and then edit the orientation of the Object as works best.

For more information of this you can read the ‘RayCastResult’ API here:

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I know how to get the normal, I just don’t know how I can use the normal to move the object down a slope.

I can give you a table, comparing the normal vector with their approximate interpretation:, 1, 0) = the top face of a part with the Y world axis., -1, 0) = the bottom face of a part with the Y world axis., 0, 0) = the right face of a part with the X world axis., 0, 0) = the left face of a part with the X world axis., 0, 1) = the ** back** face of a part with the Z world axis., 0, -1) = the front face of a part with the Z world axis., 0.707, 0.707) = the top face of a part with orientation in (45,0,0)., -0.707, -0.707) = the bottom face of a part with orientation in (45,0,0)., 0.707, 0.707) = the front face of a part with orientation in (45,0,0)., -0.707, -0.707) = the back face of a part with orientation in (45,0,0)., 0.707, 0) = the right face of a part with orientation in (0,0,45)., -0.707, 0) = the left face of a part with orientation in (0,0,45).

(the faces of the block were taken with base in athe’face’ property of a ‘decal’ object)

The normal vector is the tangent of the angle obtained between the ray and the respective world axes, for this reason, in the test with a block with orientation in 45 in some axis, the normal vector is the tangent of 45° (0.7071) according the axis. Probably you need to know trigonometry for understand the normals perfectly.

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I made a new post on this

Help appreciated

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You can get the horizontal XZ component of the normal vector which is the direction to slide down.

RayPart.CFrame = +,6,0))
local normalHorizontalComponent = RayCast.Normal*,0,1)
if normalHorizontalComponent .Magnitude > 0.001 then
RayPart.CFrame += normalHorizontalComponent.Unit * 0.1

How do i add it to a script for sliding