Below, you can find your job duties & expectations throughout Slushie’z. Please make sure to read them!
[1] | Customer
Customer is the first rank you receive when you join our group. Customer can apply for a job or go down the main game and Roleplay with staff.
[2] | Noted Customer
Noted Customer is given to HR & SHR who resigned with valid reasoning. This rank can do everything a Customer can do!
[4] | Awaiting Training
Awaiting Training is the first LR rank. Awaiting Training has passed their application & almost ready to work behind the counter.
[5] | Junior Team Member
Junior Team Member is the second LR rank. Junior Team Member has passed their first training. They are now allowed to work behind the counter & enjoying the worker experience.
[6] | Team Member
Team Member is the third LR rank. Team Member has passed their second training & they can continue working behind the counter and enjoying the worker experience.
[7] | Senior Team Member
Senior Team Member is the second to last LR rank. Senior Team Member has passed their third training & ready to become a Staff Internship.
[8] | Staff Internship
Staff Internship is the last LR rank. Staff Internship has passed their application and received there rank. They need to attend another training in order to become a successful Middle Rank.
[9] | Supervisor
Supervisor is the first MR rank. Supervisor must attend shifts. Supervisor assists in supervising the Slushie Bar as well as training/assisting in training sessions.
[10] | Senior Supervisor
Senior Supervisor is the second MR rank. Senior Supervisor must still attend shifts. Senior Supervisor continues to supervise and assist in the Slushie Bar as well as training sessions, however, they are proved to be more experienced than their previous rank.
[11] | Head Of Staff
Head Of Staff is the third MR Rank. continues to carry out the responsibilities of the Middle Rank Team as well as the additional opportunity of co-hosting trainings & attending shifts and being granted the permission to warn and kick users with a valid reasoning.
[12] | General Management
General Management is the second to last MR rank. General Management continues the responsibilities and expectations of the Middle Rank Team as well as the options listed in the previous rank.
[13] | Team Leadership Management
Team Leadership Management is the last MR rank. Team Leadership Management continues to carry the responsibilities and standards of the Middle Rank as well as plays a high role-model standard for the more recent members in it.
[14] | Chief Staffing Officer
Chief Staffing Officer is the first HR rank. Chief Staffing Officer can host trainings, Staff Internship trainings, and host shifts. Chief Staffing Officer may promote anyone from Junior Team Member - Team Leadership Management. They are expected to be leaders in the community.
[15] | Chief Operations Officer
Chief Operations Officer is the second HR rank. Chief Operations Officer must continue to follow the High Rank guidelines and be a role-model to fellow staff members. Chief Operations Officer has the same permissions as it’s previous rank.
[16] | Chief Communication Officer
Chief Communication Officer is the third HR rank. Chief Communication Officer must continue to be a successful role-model and candidate in the Slushie’z community. They have the same permissions and responsibility as it’s previous rank.
[17] | Junior Corporate Officer
Junior Corporate is the fourth HR rank. Junior Corporate Officer are those who have specifically shown dedication throughout their work in the Slushie’z community. They are open to more opportunities and jobs in their journey here at Slushie’z.
[18] | Senior Corporate Officer
Senior Corporate Officer is the last HR rank. Senior Corporate Officer is considered the head of their High Ranks.
[19] | Executive Director
Executive Director is the first SHR Rank. The Executive Director assists the President in their tasks and responsibilities regarding development, HR Team management, insight and feedback on group practices, and the establishment of the corporation as a whole.
[20] | Vice President
Vice President is the second SHR. Vice President assists the President in their tasks and responsibilities regarding development, High Rank Team management, insight and feedback on group practices, and the establishment of the corporation as a whole.
[21] | President
President is the last SHR rank. The President executes and regards tasks and responsibilities regarding development, High Rank Team management, insight and feedback on group practices, and the establishment of the corporation.