Small Character Movements

Hi! Right now I was making a game, with small NPCs just to be some little figures so it doesn’t make the game too desert, but when he trys to movement the figure slides on the floor, gets faster, and the body parts get too glitchy, like this.

(Sorry for small lags)
Is there a way that I can fix this?

Can you show the code for the movement?

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Mess around with the CustomPhysicalProperties of every limb. Making it heavier or with more friction should remove that sliding mess when the character is super small.

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Here >

local Humanoid = script.Parent.Humanoid
local walkpoints = script.Parent.walkpoints:GetChildren()

local db = false
function movement()
	if db == false then
		db = true
		local randPart = walkpoints[math.random(1,#walkpoints)]
		db = false

while wait() do
	if db == false then

OK, I’ll try that and I’ll reply you asap!

The issue is just a result of the character being so light and having low friction. Increasing the friction or weight on each limb should fix the problem.

The CustomPropertys worked perfectly! But the problem is that its still glitchy, if you could help me, its okay if not.

What is still glitchy about it? Is the humanoid stopping too early when walking to where you need? Are the animations looking weird?

Yeah, the animations are weird and glitching out of its normal position, it should have acted like a normal-sized dummy.

Try setting the Leg Motor6D cframes a little higher. I never had to use small characters before, so I don’t know if it will work nicely.

It didn’t work still, the legs are still moving detached of the torso.

i think you should lower the speed in the Humanoid so it will be more natural for smaller characters

I tried that already, that makes the movement a little better.

You might need to redo the animations, that is what I had to do when I scaled down one of my custom character.

Also use:


instead of


For some reason in new versions of roblox studio when ungrouping a model and group it again the error is fixed, this comes from the Scale property, that maybe the humanoid has it as an attribute for the acceleration, Try that!

I had the same issue with my scaled down characters sliding around and acting strangely. I managed to fix it by adjusting the density of each non-massless BasePart in the character model:


local function adjustPhysicsProperties(character, scaleFactor)
    for _, part in ipairs(character:GetDescendants()) do
        if part:IsA("BasePart") and not part.Massless then
            local properties = part.CustomPhysicalProperties or
            local newDensity = properties.Density / (math.pow(scaleFactor, 3))
            part.CustomPhysicalProperties =

The scaleFactor is basically how much you’ve shrunk or enlarged your character compared to a normal-sized humanoid. For example, if you scaled your character to half its original size, the scaleFactor would be 0.5. This code adjusts their weight according to their new size, making movements look more natural.