Smooth R6 Ragdoll for Players and NPCs (Plug-and-Play)

iirc i think learning how to program solves this issue

I use this module for a combat system, the ragdoll is laggy for other clients. It looks smoother now after I disabled RootJoint while ragdoll but now the Torso and HumanoidRootPart are detached and delayed for a split second. Does anyone have any idea?

kinda stupid the only reply u got was basically “Learn to script” so, here is a simple script for what u need:

In a LocalScript (in starterPlayer or starterCharacter):

Local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")

if i.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.R then -- replace r with the key u want.
 local event = --path to the event
event:FireServer()-- u can pass any variable over here

Now in a server script:

local event --path to the event
--script to ragdoll it goes here, as i didnt see how to make it i wont put anything in here

(and creating the remoteEvent)
Hope it helps!

pd.: Sorry for the late reply, just saw the post lol