Smooth Terrain Heightmap/Colormap Importer Release!

I can still use the feature using offtopic sources. Here’s some of the creations I got.

And of course the entire continent of North America.


The feature was disabled in studio when I made the post due to a critical bug. I will update the reply with it attached.

could do with a tutorial for this. if I were to draw a map in Photoshop, how would I go about making a heightmap for it?

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I love this! The timing couldn’t have been any better for my projects. I’ve recently been working with image data to generate a smooth terrain map of the world for one of my games, but I ran into problems when trying to account for height. This is exactly what I needed :smile:

The heightmap importer should be a lifesaver as soon as it’s re-enabled :heart:


I prefer Wilbur for simple projects though as it is much better with enormous maps (it is just an image editor that fakes 3D shadows), but its features are really limited.
It is also portable, being only an .exe file.


In Photoshop, making a heightmap is time-consuming but not difficult.
Pure white (aka. RGB: 255, 255, 255) represents the maximum height (which in this case is 1024 studs).
Pure black (aka. RGB: 0, 0, 0) represents the minimum height.

So if you want to make a mountain, draw it from a top-perspective starting black going up to white gradually.


If I’m correct, this image should create a very rounded hill in the centre.

Edit: I now made a clear tutorial in case you need more help: Guide & tips on making a heightmap & colourmap for generation


I personally do not use Photoshop but since there is a clouds filter if you are using the non extended version, you could make relatively easy heightmaps to start off.

did this feature get disabled??? image image

Yes. The feature got disabled temporarily:

You should probably expect to see it re-enabled somewhat soon.



I have been dreading having to make smooth terrain maps because roblox’s tools just aren’t that great for large scale stuff
now i can make a height map with sculpting tools in blender!


You can re enable this with a mod manager.


Thanks to @LemurLemmings suggestion I re-enabled this. Was seriously excited that I was able to actually start work on my games map. Considering how large my generator was, but the lack of being able to customize it without great difficulty or hand sculpting after generation with the crappiest of terrain tools (sorry devs)

Then they turned off the feature so I really lost motivation to work on my game. Nevertheless I re-enabled it thanks to the mod manager. And with the free software I listed above (not really free, but it has a community edition that allows you to use it commercially for free with reduced features).

I finally managed to get Gaea to import into Roblox with a pretty decently sized map.

I am getting stair step artifacts though. Atleast that’s what I think it is. So I have to figure out how to fix that and then all I have to worry about is water. I could probably handle that with a color map or generation script. Can’t wait for this to be re-enabled. For now I’m gonna trust Roblox with the reason they disabled it and only use it locally. Glad to be re-energized though.

Heightmaps I made with Gaea


My heightmap import option (which was there this morning) has disappeared. I just spent hours making a height map so
On the bright side, i have the new beta features option, i still need the height map importer though,


Unfortunately the feature was temporarily disabled.
Let’s hope it comes back very soon :smiley:

Edit: Is there any news on the situation @GeneralRelish? Also, may I ask what the issues were?


Might I ask how you re enabled it?

I used Clone Troopers mod manager.


I love this idea! I’m already experimenting with it.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Off-topic and bump posts

Tried to enable this feature the old way (going through the list with notepad…) which worked every time before, but for some reason it got reset on each launch. Thanks, I needed this for my sanity.

You can also edit studio icons.