Smooth Terrain Heightmap/Colormap Importer Release!

There is a lot of tutorials on YT on how to make heightmaps. They are just monochromatic images on which black represents the lowest and white the highest point of your map.

If you want to change the default import material, you sort of can. Just have a image that is just a solid color corresponding to the material you want to use and use that as a color map.

Alternatively you could use some quick photo shopping of your height map to make a color map (ala make X shade of grey rock, Y shade of grey grass).

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Could you clarify one thing… if I want to have my map generated with grass and rock where do I tell Studio to give me those specific materials? I tested it using the greyscale heightmap used also as a colormap. The terrain generated was mud and rock. Where or how do you control x shade of grey and make it rock?

You cant do this though studio. You will need a image editor like paintdotnet where you can use a paint bucket or magic wand tool to select all the pixels of a certain shade of grey (as the shade of grey corresponds to the height) and change all pixels of that color to whatever the material you want it to be.

The color codes for all the materials as provided by longlongchien are

Asphalt - RGB[115, 123, 107] - #737b6b
Basalt - RGB[ 30, 30, 37] - #1e1e25
Brick - RGB[138, 86, 62] - #8a563e
Cobblestone - RGB[132, 123, 90] - #847b5a
Concrete - RGB[127, 102, 63] - #7f663f
CrackedLava - RGB[232, 156, 74] - #e89c4a
Glacier - RGB[101, 176, 234] - #65b0ea
Grass - RGB[106, 127, 63] - #6a7f3f
Ground - RGB[102, 92, 59] - #665c3b
Ice - RGB[129, 194, 224] - #81c2e0
LeafyGrass - RGB[115, 132, 74] - #73844a
Limestone - RGB[206, 173, 148] - #cead94
Mud - RGB[ 58, 46, 36] - #3a2e24
Pavement - RGB[148, 148, 140] - #94948c
Rock - RGB[102, 108, 111] - #666c6f
Salt - RGB[198, 189, 181] - #c6bdb5
Sand - RGB[143, 126, 95] - #8f7e5f
Sandstone - RGB[137, 90, 71] - #895a47
Slate - RGB[ 63, 127, 107] - #3f7f6b
Snow - RGB[195, 199, 218] - #c3c7da
WoodPlanks - RGB[139, 109, 79] - #8b6d4f
Water - RGB[ 12, 84, 92] - #0c545c


Wow thank you so much. I didn’t realize that was actually possible. You’ve really helped me out!

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I have now written up a tutorial regarding how to convert a heightmap into a color map if anyone wants a more detailed explanation. Its pending moderation, but you should be able to see it by direct link Using Paint dot Net to generate a color map from a heightmap