Smooth Terrain or Part Terrain for a Realistic City Game


I am currently starting off with a game which locates in a city in Britain, I am still thinking about whether I should use Smooth Terrain or Part Terrain.

I am trying to achieve as less lag as possible and also try to achieve realism. The game is mostly RP, (Also a bit of Shooting/FPS since it includes guns that can kill people) so I needed a second opinion about whether using Smooth or Part terrain.


Smooth terrain will be best for realism but part terrain for performance (there is a very less difference in performance between them)

I’ve been also wondering if the ‘Generate’ feature of the terrain editor would help in anyway trying to make the map?

Dont use that method as it dont make terrain thin layer for performance instead use infinite terrain plugin

I’ve heard of it but Ive seen that sometimes players fall through so I dont know if its a good plugin to use for a city that isnt exactly about exploring.

U might have heard wrong it has 3 stud thick terrain so not possible to fall also it gives more control

Would it cause any problems in performance? And also, how would it be visualized in studio, ive also seen that it isnt really seen on studio but rather in gameplay.

It will be more better than generate feature in performance

What about the visualizing in studio? Since I am building a city it would be chaotic trying to build it in a floating place

Try to make a large outside map with terrain which cant be reached by players and a good skybox

Ok, I think that will be it. Thanks for your help and have a nice day/evening/night.

terrain looks ugly imo but it is optimized to the max and nothing behind your camera is rendered

there is no difference in performance, and parts could even lag more depending on the count since terrain is just a ton of geometry, not individual meshes

the plugin allows you to visualise in studio you just need to clear the terrain before you publish but as your building your city you can have the terrain generated and use it to position the buildings correctly if you follow the video tutorials it may help there is also a discord channel where you can get help on the plugin

also by default the plugin makes the terrain 6 studs thick but you can change the thickness in the settings but iv never fallen past the 6 studs of terrain