Smooth UI Dragging | Easily make your frames draggable!


Welcome to this post! As many developers can see, the draggable frame function is deprecated, means it should not be used. But I made a script that all of you can use!

You can find the model below.


To use this, you just need to follow the steps below!

  1. Put the script into the frame that you would like to be draggable
  2. You are all set! Your frame is now draggable!

Feel free to discuss below!


Would it be possible to instead of having a lot of scripts for draggable UI to just have one that manages all that have a certain attribute? Or a tag?

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I will keep this idea in mind. Thanks.

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AFAIK there are many dragging modules for UI, even in the devforums you can find one

this is one

and another one

i had to bookmark them so it will be easier for me to find


I know, but I can still make one too.

Are you able to make a scaleable ui too for things like chat?


Either we can resize the frame via a button or by just resizing the frame from any point. I can’t find something that works this way anywhere on the forum.

dat.GUI - A lightweight graphical user interface and controller library has it.

just because you can, doesn’t mean you should, also no one will be using yours because these have more features

I’m confused. How could I get a resize gui from a plugin?

It’s not a plugin, It’s an ui library.

I just wish there were an easy resizing ui thats as easy as this topic and every one I found seemed complex, outdated or doesn’t fit any of my needs.

I think you need to go trough the ClientChatModules.

Those are modules though the same ones that created the chat frame entirely. It would be hard to replicate that to a script that works with UI.

Hopefully someone can make a community resource of a resizing UI similar to the chat

I will do that module with the chat modules already enabled.

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