Snail Formation from Center Part

Hello, I was wondering how to equally divide parts into a snail shape around a center part, I have attached an image below visualizing what I’m talking about.

Any help is appreciated :slight_smile:

By “equally divide” what exactly do you mean? Equal distance along the line (which is never ending so would literally never happen) or equal distance in 3D space (ignore the line)? Or do you mean generate parts based on that spiral sequence with a given distance from each other relative to the line?

Generating parts based on the spiral sequence order, each part only being on stud in size (1,1,1).

So are you generating them all at once or one at a time in order? I have an idea for how to implement this, but I’m confirming.
(if you’re generating them all at once then there’s no point, if there’s one every stud it’s the same as just generating X 1x1 blocks in a square)

One at a time in order, with each part being the size of one stud.

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local part = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Part") -- change to part name

local function GenerateSnail(position: Vector3)
	local numTurns = 100 -- change to the amount of parts you want to spawn
	local waitTime = 0.1 -- change to wait time in seconds
	local direction = 1 -- 0 = north, 1 = west, etc 
	local forward = 0
	local lastPos = position
	for i = 0, numTurns do
		for j = 0, math.floor(forward) do
			local newPart = part:Clone()
			newPart.Parent = game.Workspace
			local directionVector =
			if direction == 0 then directionVector =, 0, -1)
			elseif direction == 1 then directionVector =, 0, 0)
			elseif direction == 2 then directionVector =, 0, 1)
			elseif direction == 3 then directionVector =, 0, 0) end	
			newPart.Position = lastPos + directionVector
			lastPos = newPart.Position
		forward = forward + 0.5
		direction = (direction + 1) % 4


Does this work? @adminaccount58


If it worked for you, don’t forget to mark it as the solution. @adminaccount58

Sorry for the late replay, yes this works really well. :+1:

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