Snippet Profiles - An Auto Complete Plugin To Increase Productivity!

Snippet Profiles Is an autocomplete plugin that provides easier way to paste a block of code into your script aka. “Profile” with the ability to create custom profiles with the ability to customize the autocomplete prefix, Therefore, it facilitates the scripting process.

Every plugin feature will be shown below, If you’re interested you can take a look.


The idea of the plugin is pretty simple; When you're in a script, Type ! and the default profiles of plugins will be displayed which are:

  1. OOP: A profile which provides a class template with a constructor
  2. For: A Profile which provides a for loop template
  3. Variables: A profile which provides a bunch of mandatory variables
  4. Services: A profile which provides bunch of necessary services
  5. Lorem: A profile which provides Lorem ipsum paragraph.


Overwrite Variable

This feature allows you to overwrite a variable in a profile according to this syntax:

:memo: Note: This feature is only available for the profile OOP and For

:memo: Note: For profile have got an new unique feature as you can add more than one overwrite-able variable, e.g.: !For<index, value, {1, 2, 3}>


Custom Profiles

If you aren't satisfied with the default profile which comes with the plugin then you have the ability to create your own custom profiles!

If you go to ServerStorage, You’ll find a folder named Profiles (:warning:DO NOT DELETE IT), This folder represents a container of all of your custom profiles that you need to add.

Firstly, you need to insert a ModuleScript and name it whatever you want (Syntax: ![Profile.Name])


Everything you’ll write inside this module will be the snippet.

:memo: Note: you can add a description for your profile by creating an attribute called “Description” which will appear as a description for the profile when you call it.

:memo: Note: Overwrite Variable is now added to Custom Profiles!, `(Condition: the variable that will be change must be called “x”)



Custom Prefix

Still not satisfied? Snippet Profiles allows you to change the default prefix ! to any prefix you want

If you go to Profiles Folder inside ServerStorage and click on it, You’ll find an attribute called Prefix and it’s value !, Change it to whatever you want.

:memo: Note: If you leave Prefix attribute empty (""), The plugin will stop working since there’s no prefix.


Profile Actions

Still not satisfied? Profile Actions is a list of actions you can enable to facilitate working with Snippet Profiles

Create Profile
Show Profiles
Change Prefix

  1. Create Profile: Creates a profile for you in the ServerStorage inside Profiles folder
  2. Show Profiles: Selects the Profiles folder
  3. Change Prefix: Selects the Profiles folder so you can change the prefix
  4. Documentation: Redirects you to

:memo: Note: How to enable enable Profile Actions Feature

You’ll need to bind the feature by going through this dir: File > Advanced > Customize Shortcuts > Profile Actions

You can bind this shortcut to whatever you want but Ctrl + P is the recommended option.

After applying these steps, Press OK and test it out!



Snippet Profiles is a great plugin for the community which will speed up the scripting process and fully-customizable for any favorite personal use; The plugin is paid (available in Roblox marketplace for 200 Robux_2019_Logo_gold), Many people may think that this plugin deserves to be free, What I need to say is I would’ve released it for free to target the whole community but one of the reasons I released this plugin to fund robux for my dream game as this plugin was only for my personal use. I’ve also added this plugin to for 10$ (as a donation) too.

You can also contact me via my personal discord itswise.

Update log:

v0.1.0-alpha: Release
v0.1.1.: Fixed bugs
v0.1.1: Fixed major bugs
v1.0.0-beta: Added Overwrite Variable feature
v1.0.5: Fixed major bugs
v1.1b: Added Overwrite Variable feature to Custom Profiles, Added additional default profiles
v1.1.1: Fixed bugs
v1.1.5: Fixed major bugs
v1.2.0-beta: Added a feature only execlusive to For profile as it can hold more than one overwrite-able variable
v1.2.5: Fixed major bugs
v2.0-beta: Added Profile Actions feature
v2.1.5: Fixed major bugs
v2.2.5: Fixed major bugs
v3.1.0: Added Update Notifier System
v3.1.2: Fixed bugs

Available on Roblox Available on Roblox

Sick plugin! Might save up for it!


I don’t know why there are tons of paid plugins for autofilling

I’d use Exestack in this case, It’s free and it does snippets well


Here’s the reason (for me)

(roblox character limit)


Don’t you think snippet profiles should be saved in the plugin, not the place file?
(some feedback*).

  • Pretty useful to be honest
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Well, I tried as much as possible to avoid making this plugin using a DockWidgetPluginGui so I didn’t add this idea to my todo list despite the fact I thought about doing this before but it really requires a UI.

Forgot to mention if you have any UNIQUE plugin idea feel free to contact me in my discord itswise and illustrate the idea to me.


Then use game:GetService("CoreGui"), it’s for UI that you can see on the studio viewport.

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What I meant to say that I avoided using any UI anyways DockWidgetPluginGui is only a widget that carries the ui inside it for plugin

then just make the folder archivable off and make them save with the plugin.
also name the folder as the username and save it to the user.

Well, Let’s imagine if you just downloaded the plugin for example and you installed it in a place called (e.g.) Place1 and you add a profile inside Profiles folder in ServerStorage then leave the place and you join another place called Place2 then the profiles you made in Place1 gets loaded then you decided to delete the profiles, then the user data will be {}, when you decide to go to Place1 again they’ll be re-assigned to {…} as when you make Place3 the profiles will be added again even tho you don’t want them again and if you join Place2 the data table will be deleted again.

Sorry for the confusion lol.

this will be bad too for people who has 2 profiles

yeah, also you can CTRL-C and CTRL-V(so profiles should be archivable)

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Anyways thanks for this conversation, have a nice day bro!

(they’re already archivable btw)

so you would sell a plugin just to fund robux for your dream game? We make plugins to solve problems, not to make money, not for the sake of making plugins

Sorry for not responding for 3 days. Well, If you take a look at Plugin Marketplace, You’ll find out that most of the plugins are paid that are meant to “Help the community”, All my respect to developers but if you wonder why this plugin is paid so you should take a better look at the marketplace because you’ll find out many plugins which they deserve to be worth nothing but the publishers of these plugins may have a various reasons for making it paid as I have mentioned the reason of making it paid as im not “Making money” to use it for myself. I could’ve used these robuxs for my personal use since my country banned the usage of debit to pay w/ any foreign currency or pay for a service/product in a foreign website/organization but I prefered to use it to fund my dream game as I’ve mentioned above that I’d have made this plugin for free to help the community but I have my reasons for this and I promise once I get a good fund and start making the game i’ll change this plugin from paid to free.


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At least you took longer than how long my exams took to write that, really appreciate the response

also You can do some other methods to gather robux, but this is okay to do so

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Yea, I’m working on a portfolio for commissions too.


It also applies to my country as-well, so I can agree here

We can deeply to talk about this, you can add me in discord itswise