Social Chat | Enhance your experience with spectacular social chat features!

Nope, no new errors.
Here’s my Tags module though:

return {
    ["Creator"] = {
		["Requirements"] = {
			["UserIds"] = {109896808},

			["GroupId"] = 0,
			["AcceptedRanks"] = {0},

		["TagData"] = {
			["TagName"] = "Creator",
			["TagColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(105,0,255),
			["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(115, 92, 190),
			["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(224, 171, 255),
			["BubbleTextColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(105,0,255)

		["Priority"] = 777,
	["Developer"] = {
		["Requirements"] = {
			["UserIds"] = {94638252},

			["GroupId"] = 0,
			["AcceptedRanks"] = {0},

		["TagData"] = {
			["TagName"] = "Developer",
			["TagColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(20,20,255),
			--["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(115, 92, 190),
			--["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(224, 171, 255),
			["BubbleTextColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(125, 160, 255)


		["Priority"] = 333,
	["Clown"] = {
		["Requirements"] = {
			["UserIds"] = {271075513},

			["GroupId"] = 0,
			["AcceptedRanks"] = {0},

		["TagData"] = {
			["TagName"] = "🤡",
			--["TagColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(20,20,255),
			["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 221, 85),
			--["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(224, 171, 255),
			["BubbleTextColor"] = "Rainbow"


		["Priority"] = 20,
	["Admin"] = {
		["Requirements"] = {
			["UserIds"] = {577882346,272200261,99845985,39563231,102048271,509076976},

			["GroupId"] = 0,
			["AcceptedRanks"] = {0},

		["TagData"] = {
			["TagName"] = "Admin",
			["TagColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(0,120,255),
			["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(155, 215, 255),
			--["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(224, 171, 255),
			--["BubbleTextColor"] = "Rainbow"


		["Priority"] = 19,
	["Optimum"] = {
		["Requirements"] = {
			["UserIds"] = {261907256,305040249,39819099},

			["GroupId"] = 0,
			["AcceptedRanks"] = {0},

		["TagData"] = {
			["TagName"] = "Special",
			["TagColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(80,80,140),
			--["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(155, 215, 255),
			--["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(224, 171, 255),
			--["BubbleTextColor"] = "Rainbow"


		["Priority"] = 18,

	["SERVER"] = {
		["Requirements"] = {
			["UserIds"] = {},

			["GroupId"] = 0,
			["AcceptedRanks"] = {0},

		["TagData"] = {
			["TagName"] = "SERVER",
			["TagColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0),
			--["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(155, 215, 255),
			--["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(224, 171, 255),
			--["BubbleTextColor"] = "Rainbow"


		["Priority"] = 17,

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I dont see any issues with the TagData. Not sure why your Text isnt showing up :sad:
What does your LocalScript look like now?

If you aren’t able to figure it out that’s alright, It’s probably something small that I messed up somehow.

Here’s the local script:

local SocialChat = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.SocialChat);


	"Did you know that John Shedletsky hid his chicken stashes all around Robloxia?",
		["MessageColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
		["SpeakerColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)

Everything seems fine! Are you using the same method in another script? Is there something that could be yielding your LocalScript?

Nope, I don’t think anything is yielding it.

So far I’ve tried it in a local script and a normal script in both workspace and ServerScriptService.

How can I use CreateChatMessage on the server without RemoteEvents, or, at least proper RemoteEvent security? I’m trying to make a ban command, and when a player is banned, I want a message that says “(player) has banned (player)” that appears for everyone in the server (and i also do need the server itself to handle the ban so how would i go on about stuff like this?)

-Also how can I make it that when the player sends a command, the chat doesnt say “[player]: /something” and just runs the command without letting everyone in the server know?

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This can be done by using the .PlayerChatted event on the server! The function itself passes a player object which can NOT be spoofed by an exploiter! This way you can safely rely on the event without having to worry about the command being used by a person who doesn’t have the authority to do so! After using the .PlayerChatted event on the server, you must fire an event to ALL client’s in order to signify that {x} player has been banned from the server.! As for the ban scripting itself, you can just use DataStores to save the ban and kick players when they join if they were previously banned!

Hope this helps :happy3:

There currently isn’t an API method for this, and you would unfortunately have to deal with this from the client. I’m currently working on a more elegant version of SocialChat that should fix this issue fairly easily, however, the release date is unknown as of this moment so I’d suggest either holding off or manually using a LocalScript to solve this issue!

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Few things that came on my mind to add

  • Gradient type just like in buttons for bubble chat (the one you could use by ColorSequence)
  • Way to choose between gamepass and non gamepass for bubblechat message color like the rainbow one and any other one
  • HD Admin support

Hey @Cosmental, I found a bug, the chat tags dont scale properly if using RichText



Is this error easy to fix or would I have to fork the system’s module in some sort?

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Amazing, I’ve already started using it and works perfectly!

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	["troll"] = {
		["Image"] = "",

Suprisingly this is fun to mess around with, lol

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ChatTags are not designed to be paired along with RichText ^^

Each TextLabel is rendered seperately, thus being why your rich text appears to be non-functional. This is not really a bug and you will unfortunately have to wait until SocialChat v2 gets finished in order to achieve more complicated effects. :sad:

I appologize for the inconvenience!

Im glad you enjoy the system! It was designed to maximize simplicity and effectiveness for everyone to use and enjoy :happy3:

I’m absolutely loving this system so far! Super easy to implement, although I do have my gripes about it interfering with TopBar+ already in my game. Not too big a deal though, we were planning on removing it for a centralized UI system anyways.

Can’t wait for autofills, I’ll be hoping to integrate that with my custom admin suite.
Keep up the good work!

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I added a quick modification in the mainmodule to fix this, and while it’s definitely not perfect (I think), it still does the job. Here’s the modification if you want it:
Inside of module.SocialChat.Environments.Client, Line 284

local function removeTags(str)
	return (str:gsub("(\\?)<[^<>]->", { [''] = '' }))
local SpeakerUsernameLength = ChatSystemCommons:GetTextSize(UserText, ChatFrame);
local SpeakerTagLength = ChatSystemCommons:GetTextSize(removeTags(TagText), ChatFrame);

Also a quick suggestion is maybe some more customization options to the UI; for instance ChatFrame and ChatBox color, and text color (for chat frame and chat box). This isn’t very urgent but still something that would be pretty nice so people don’t have to go modify the chat UI in the mainmodule just to tweak a few settings.

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Wonderful Add-On! :happy3:
Hopefully this sufficies for now ^^

I’ll add this onto my TODO list ^^
Thank you for your suggestion!

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In addition to all the waiting, I am curious to know how many people are waiting for SocialChat v2!

Please answer the following Google Form as a means of assisting me in the release of SocialChat v2, as well as allowing me to gather input on what you all are hoping to see within the next BIG release! :happy3:

Is it possible to make gamepass chat tags, and make custom emojis that are limited to only a certain group of people?

If not, I suggest that for V2 you make some kind of “Ranks” system in the settings module which also lets you give ranks to people for doing specific things such as buying a gamepass or a devproduct, or owning a vip server, and there could be a feature for chat tags to see if the player has a specific rank and so give them the chat tag- same with emojis, to make things like these easier to manage, and more customizable overall

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Yes! You’d have to give users certain TagData whenever they buy/join with a gamepass!

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Good idea! I’ll definitely try to implement this today :happy3:

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