Scripts don’t just not work, there’s something wrong with your code and you should be the one to fix it so that you become a better programmer through trial, error, and determination , you won’t learn if we write the entire code for you
I think I’ve learned enough in my opinion, but I can’t solve this epidemic in my script, so I guess I’ll just give up.
This is far from the truth. Nobody has “learned enough”, and from what you’ve been posting this sounds like just the beginning. Might I suggest the wiki?
No thank you.
Several people have replied to this thread about how to do this and it honestly seems like you are ignoring them. No one is going to want to help you if you simply ignore them.
Be it as it may, I don’t think those suggestions are working.
Every puzzle has a solution, GamerBoi, you just need more determination. The old roblox slogan is that if you imagine it, you can create it. Even if you don’t believe in yourself I’ll believe in you that if you put your imagination to it, write down what you want your script to do in pusedo code, look over some apis, and think over it, you can write your code to do what you want it to do and have it work perfectly
I tried it for myself. They didn’t work.
That motivational message is 8/10 effective. I GUESS I’ll review over the script a couple more times.
This reply sums up this thread well–you’re not looking for help, just people to write your scripts for you.
I know that.
That’s because you didn’t care to debug it, such as finding out why Damage isn’t be located. A key part is learning is through research as well as trial and error.
Anyway, I think there is obviously something wrong. Damage is a member of LocalScript, it’s its descendant.
Is there any reason why you can’t just upload the animation and then use its ID instead of its path with LoadAnimation?
That’s a great idea!
Copied it from an earlier post.
I can’t believe I missed it.
Well, nothing came from the Output, like, no errors, but it didn’t work.