[SOLVED] Exploiters are Firing Event to make the game NSFW / Not Safe for Kids

Despite me despising Mano from the bottom of my heart, I can advise you to use CTRL+SHIFT+F while in ROBLOX studio to search through scripts, most backdoor scripts will contain loadstring() in them, so looking for that will probably show the issue.

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Uh oh! What’s this thing in “ServerScriptService.cv”? This might be the main source of your issue.

    obj[proper] = value

This is a serious vulnerability! You’re letting clients change properties of any object they can see. I don’t know how far an exploiter can go with this, but exploiters can at least delete almost everything in the game.

Here, let me show you with some evil scripts:

-- Kill a player.
game.ReplicatedStorage.change:FireServer(workspace.ForbiddenJ.Humanoid, "Health", 0)

-- Destroy everything!
for i, thing in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
    if thing ~= workspace.Terrain then
        game.ReplicatedStorage.change:FireServer(thing, "Parent", nil)