please try my last solution, it should work by now.
can you give me your script? first and second part? ill try it now
i was replying to mooran, you can see i replied to him
alright, here you go:
-- create a folder before startup that stores everything from the workspace
local folder ='Folder', game.ServerStorage)
folder.Name = 'CopiedMap'
for i, v in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
if v.Name == 'Terrain' or v.Name == 'Camera' or game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(v) then continue end
local cloned = v:Clone()
cloned.Parent = folder
-- (second script)
local copiedMap = game.ServerStorage:FindFirstChild('CopiedMap')
if copiedMap then
for i, v in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
if v.Name == 'Terrain' or v.Name == 'Camera' or game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(v) then continue end
task.wait(3) -- wait for a bit before it clones everything back into workspace..
for i, v in ipairs(copiedMap:GetChildren()) do
v.Parent = workspace
those scripts destroy the map as soon as the game starts
Read better you was replying to me, the last Script is working hayde yallah olm
well it works perfectly fine for me, can you show me how you’ve structured it in both parts?
wait hold on, its not destroying itself anymore
nope i was wrong, it did it again
i think its rare occurrence for it not to destroy itself
Vallah bist peinlich HAHA
@mroaan heres a picure of the output
dont worry about the values, they were connected to infinite loops and they were destroyed by the scripts
the script reloader destroys everything in the workspace, then it waits for a couple of seconds before it reloads it
it didnt do thatchar limit
it runs into an error, its in the middle of the image above
its at 07:53:31.413
char limit
First learn to script before you are writing something oruspu peinlich vallah
i kind of do already, just not very good
all i know is enough for my core game
i kind of want it to work like this
at server startup, save the entire workspace in a Folder
to ServerStorage
when i want to reset the map, delete all the children of Workspace
and clone everything in the Folder
to Workspace
i exited studio, im gonna take a break from replying for now, we’re at 89 posts including this one