Microprofiler Help

Hello. Recently the physics of my game serverside have been delayed severely. My code takes at least half a second to actually run, and tweening is chunky. There’s no apparent lag on the clientside, and all clientside features work fine.

Parts take at least 10 seconds to fall if dropped from 5 studs.

My microprofiler catched a script called $Script. I do not own or have named any script with that name.

I tried disabling all code on my game and the server slowdown persisted. Any advice?

$Script is an internal job marker. I think you should be far more concerned about the fact that your other bars are scary long and need to focus on those. RunJob is probably a result of some of your loops or connections that are running far too much, Render meaning something to do with your map (?).

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My map is decently big but I don’t really see the issue with it. My loops are always ending and connections are also disconnecting properly.