Why is this admin command script not working?

So I have this line of code for Kohl’s Admin commands, located in the Settings module script:

	if game.VIPServerOwnerId ~= 0 then
		if plr.UserId == game.VIPServerOwnerId then

I call this function right before the script returns all the other settings; in normal servers, it works, but in VIP servers, the owner of the VIP server does not get added to the Owner list. Why?

Did you try using prints, or how are you checking the table?

I figured I was using an outdated command script, so I switched to a new one.

Please edit your question and put
If your questions is solved.


So it helps others :confused:

I flagged it last night, usually would be down within a couple hours.

It’s still up for some reason, but I’ll put that in too