[Solved] Why my small map is so laggy?


How about the neon parts.(the window’s lighting)
You could make them into point lights :smiley:

If its not changing well, I’m sorry :frowning:

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If you used free models they might have scripts that cause lag.
Using future lighting and lot’s of textures will also lag.
Delete parts that players won’t see/interact.

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Neon material doesn’t lag much even it has a glowing effect.

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It’s probably all your non-Roblox textures. Also try enabling StreamingEnabled.

Also for all the neon parts, disable CanTouch and CanCollide. It’ll reduce a bit of lag.

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As I said, the only free models that I used was: Light Poles and Meshes.

Alright, I’ll do that right now.

To be honest, I can’t do that. I use a blood system that I made and it needs to use .Touched() to make the flews touch the floor, and it casts a Ray after that, so it will just clip through if it don’t have ‘CanTouch’.

Try checking for scripts inside any toolbox models for viruses

I already did that, remember to read all the posts before posting.

This is pretty obvious but have you read all of the output box.

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Yes, they’re all errors on my Scripts that I need to fix soon, they don’t do anything bad to game, just errors.

What were the results from the microprofiler?

I don’t get how to use MicroProfile, it looked very confussing to me. Also, one thing: It start lagging exactly when I look to the laboratory. I think it’s because there’s so much windows in it.

Does Raycasting automatically ignore .CanTouch disabled objects? Or is it because of how you scripted the blood system?

I use .Touched() to detect the first collision frame, and after that I cast rays. If I disable .CanTouch, it will not detect the collision first frame.

It might be Future lighting, how many light source do you have? Also avoid using too much unions and meshes.

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Ropes my cause lag because system has to calculate it’s physics and stuff.
Try removing ropes that player won’t interact.

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