[SOLVED]How do I stop humanoids cloning more than once?

Good News! I fixed the ReplicatedStorage problem and the secondary set of clones spawning!

if #workspace.Assets.Hominids:GetChildren() > 4 then
	workspace.Assets.Hominids.Hominid.Parent = workspace.Assets.Excess
	workspace.Assets.Hominids.Hominid.Parent = workspace.Assets.Excess
    workspace.Assets.Hominids.Hominid.Parent = workspace.Assets.Excess
	workspace.Assets.Hominids.Hominid.Parent = workspace.Assets.Excess
	if #workspace.Assets.Excess:GetChildren() > 0 then

I basically hard coded any continuing hominids spawning in a set of four to be automatically relocated to the Excess folder where they are destroyed.
I also referenced the Hominids SPECIFICALLY within the Hominids folder so that way It only looks at those instances within the folder and not at any other place within the game.
Therefore, it will no longer mess with the singular instance within ReplicatedStorage.
I know this looks kind of repetitive and simple, but hey it works!

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Thank you and @dfgfdgfdsyhdgfyh for helping me out.
It was wonderfully appreciated!
I got it under control for now, thank you!

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