Some Asian IP redirects to the Chinese devforum

This is not correct. The ‘connection is not private’ warning screen does not appear if you are using HTTP, as security certificates do not exist for HTTP connections.

The problem in this case is the DevForum redirecting individuals in Asia to when they are not in China.

I was not able to reproduce this issue when using a VPN within Taiwan, South Korea, or Japan. While the issue also couldn’t be reproduced using a Hong Kong VPN, it did redirect me (302) to Tencent.


According to themselves, they’re using HTTPS connections.


Can’t reproduce this bug even though I’m from the South East Asia.

They still say they’re having the issue.


What have they tried to do so far?

Hi @Potatoegy, any chance you can send me the Developer Forum usernames / profile links of the people affected by this and where they are from? Feel free to send me a DM with the information.


Follow up, I’ve realised that I was using my VPN which is connected to a server instance in HK (I own it).

Turning off my VPN and switched back to the server instance in my country, seems fine. Fairly sure that it’s only Hong Kong facing this issue, but ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I assume they forgot to check the actual IP location, only checking the country.

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This also happens to me. I have SEA IP


Could you send me a DM with the IP that you are using that isn’t working?

If anyone else is experiencing this problem, please DM me with details on accounts/IPs that are experiencing this issue, so we can look into it.


I am in Hong Kong and I got blocked from entering DevForum

Not using VPN

VS using VPN

Also after the block issue is fixed, I hope Hong Kong users won’t enter the china version DevForum, because we don’t even write in Simplified Chinese. :sweat_smile:


Your dms is closed. I am unable to send you a DM, sorry!


Can you try now? Sorry about that.


I would also like to report that I am facing this issue, also in Hong Kong.

I have tried to connect via mobile data, PC, mobile, iPad… and the only way I could connect was through a VPN.

Other players that I know in HK that I have talked to are also facing this issue. Hoping this gets resolved soon!

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I am also having the same issues in Hong KonggVohcshK9D|video

Still investigating this and seeing what options are for some concerns several people had in private messages, thanks for your patience.


@Potatoegy @nana_kon @addisonshiu @Halru @pnlmon @TheBrainy06 @LeonightsTV @holamonamigo @superrun100

Hi, can you let me know if this is resolved for you now? My sincere apologies for any inconvenience this has caused and I hope you’re able to access again.


Yes! I can now access DevForum without a VPN

Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the investigation and resolution, devforum is working perfectly fine on my end.

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It’s resolved now. Thanks a lot.

It is solved, thanks for fixing it!