Some of my favorite builds i made this year!

which size do i go for? i dont think it even matters tbh

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how do i put the texture on the brick i downloaded it but it needs a id or something how do I do it sorry I am asking so many questions but i am new to this

Don’t worry, here is a video about both decal and textures.

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Thanks so much now I can build my horror game!! :smiley: thanks alot liked and bookmarked! Also does anybody know how to use blender I found it on the Microsoft windows 10 app store for free and took it since everybody recommends it for building like models


I thought it was just a reference picture. This is… beautiful.


Woah! It’s free to use? Thanks!


Looks amazing, well done! :+1:


Really nice textures, is this using the new Custom Materials?

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Nope, just raw textures.

30 chars


That build fools my eyes that is quite a realistic build. Nice job!


Hello, My name is Dyson! I have seen some of your realistic builds, and I am amazed! I am actually looking for a development partner, And your builds are perfect for my standards! I make maps for Epic Minigames, And they dont allow stuff like that! I am also a RDC 2020 invitte! I would love to work with you, And if you feel intrested,

DM me!

Discord- DYS_0N#1735

Roblox username- DYS_0N

Or Reply to this message! I love forward, to hopefully working with you! :slight_smile:

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Thanks! Unfortunately, i don’t work with anybody atm.

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This looks very realistic and I love it soooo much!
Keep up the good work this is so fascinating to watch.


They all look extremely realistic, made them in blender or normal roblox?

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I call myself a realistic builder… but I cant create anything like this! your work is stunning and honestly motivating. Thank you for bringing such amazing work to the platform <3


Blender of course!

30 chaaaaaars


This is genuinely really impressive! I’ve always really preferred the ROBLOX Textures, and typically shied away from realistic textures like this, it’s a bit of nostalgia for me I guess. But you’ve definitely really done an amazing job with these builds, and I’m really curious to see how these would be used in an actual gameplay setting! Amazing work!

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That’s Unity or Unreal, not Roblox.

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Or you can easily see the cross thingie in the screenshots, that’s the Roblox part count plugin.

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