Some questions on displaying game servers

After reading some documentation and forum posts, I’m still unsure how I would use messaging service to display a list of servers in-game. Like for example:

  1. Taking a vague understanding from this post , what would I have to encode so to display certain information from a server? Like the map or number of players for example?
  2. How would I remove servers from the server list once they shut down? Adding onto this, how would I update the list of servers in general?
  3. And most importantly, how am I supposed to test this if I can’t use messaging service in Studio?

The just released MemoryStoreService with it’s SortedMap feature would be way better than MessagingService. Here’s a tutorial.


it’s confusing. Someone needs to make a video about the MemoryStoreService. Like AlvinBlox for example! He explained datastore service so why not this service?