Some sort of Building ideas

Could y’all give me some ideas on what to build. it could be a map or something. if so what kind of map. Any feedback will be appreciated thank you for your time.

Please search before posting these kinds of topics get posted very often - frequently there was one posted a few weeks ok just recently.

You should start with something you enjoy the most or things your normal interested in it basically comes down to that if your wanting to improve your building skills try making nature objects meaning assets or a house small showcase. Some ideas as to create could be anything something to practice on (mainly finding something that suits your liking), “weapon assets, vehicles, a small city”.

If your looking to build architecture builds or something simplistic try looking at images online to get some helpful ideas on what to make these approaches are always different from other people: you may build through looking at something you see online while others gather ideas from movies, shows around there location ect.

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Showcases: Based off of every game, I mostly would like to see showcases.

  • Showcases expresses what you personally calms you, most likely a quiet space to stress relief yourself. Thus, you want to show it to other people to what you feel.
  • Showcases are a just a general game relief for you and the audience to enjoy.
  • Although showcases intend to need a lot of work put into it, you really don’t need to rush. Likewise, showcases are just general ways to “take a break” from massive projects you’ve been working on.
  • There are different varieties of building a showcase, it doesn’t have to be a calming resting place. It could be a picture showcases of what you currently making, showcases of your models, or your mini obbies you’ve made for fun, etc. Showcases go beyond the limit, and nothing could really judge you for it.
  • Showcases do not require a lot of scripting. They just optionally require SunRays, BlurEffect, ColorCorrection, music, etc.

I don’t think I have any suggestions on what type of showcases you should design, nonetheless “beyond your imagination”.

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Try building something simple then work your way up to something more comeplex…I’ll give you a building challenge, how about building a log cabin, shouldn’t be too hard right?

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Well ill try this method. and ill make the cabin and see how it goes. Thanks.

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Build a small island with a hut and a boat.

Hi Momintum,

You should build whatever you think you should build, everything coming up in your mind.
Also think about your motives, why you want to build something. Do you want to build a map? Why do you want to build a map? Which theme do you like?
Thinking about these elements may help you to find an idea to build something you like.