Someone Please Explain CFrames And Raycasting And How To Use Them

First of all, raycasting only accepts Vectors and not CFrames, second do in your first argument a.Position

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There is no need in doing .LookVector there

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Wow. Thank you sooo much!! It worked.

No problem, btw we only do .LookVector and .Unit in the Second Argument (direction) cuz both are Unit Vectors

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And unit vectors have a magnitude of 1, so a unit vector would look for example something like this, 0.9, 0.94)

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So, summary: CFrame and Vector3 are the same thing. Except that CFrame has position and orientation. When you’re using CFrame.Angles(), the order is Z, Y, X. If you want something to face something use lookAt. The function Raycast only accepts Vector3, not CFrame. Whitelist will avoid everything except that table whereas Blacklist is the opposite. Thanks!! :wave: