Soro’s Restaurant Franchise: Community Guidelines (2021)

You are currently viewing the official updated Community Guidelines (in-game rules) for Soro’s Restaurant Franchise (2021)! These Community Guidelines are in place to ensure all our games are safe and enjoyable for all members of Soro’s Community. :slightly_smiling_face: :spaghetti: :pizza:


These guidelines were last updated in March 2021 and will continue to be updated as and when necessary. All Community Guidelines will be enforced by our Executive and Moderation Teams.

1: Our Basic Community Guidelines
In this section we will cover our community guidelines in place for Disturbance, Spam, Advertisement, Online Dating, Impersonation and the in-game Soro’s Music System.

1a. Disturbance, also known as “Trolling” is when a player purposefully disrupts the gameplay or experience of another player. Some examples of ‘disturbance’ are, but not limited to:

  • Involving yourself with another Customer’s dining experience without their permission. This includes: dancing on or near their table, disturbing those dining at a table, etc.
  • Purposefully ordering items not specified on the Soro’s Restaurant Franchise Menu.
  • Bypassing Chat Filters (Roblox Terms of Service - can be enforced by ROBLOX Administrators)

1b. Communications Spam, also known as “Spamming” is when a player repeatedly texts over and over again for no reason whatsoever. Note: the text doesn’t necessarily have to be the same every time.

1c. Advertising another game, group or any personal assets within Soro’s Restaurant is not permitted. You should not be using Soro’s Restaurant Franchise as a way to get “business” or members.

1d. Impersonation of a Staff member, no matter what rank, is definitely not allowed. This is misleading to other players. If you are unsure if someone is a Staff Member, look above their player’s head for their rank or check the leaderboard. If they are employed by an official Soro’s Department, they will have a department logo above their head (Moderation, Executive, Corporate, Development, etc.)

1e. Online Dating is against Terms of Service and as such, we do not allow Online Dating in-game. If you are found to be on a ‘date’ or using Soro’s Restaurant Franchise to find a ‘partner’, you will be subject to punishment by our Moderation Team and will be reported using the report feature.

1f. Abuse of the Soro’s Music System by playing songs that may potentially hurt other users ears or cause annoyance to other users is not permitted and will be removed. Audio known as a (“meme”) and/or political or patriotic of a certain country may also be deemed as unsuitable and will be skipped.

2: Exploiting and Soro’s Assets
In this section we will cover our community guidelines in place for Exploiting Vulnerabilities, Game theft / Intellectual Property Theft and Unauthorised Access to Soro’s Accounts/Websites.

2a. The use of Exploits in Soro’s games or on the Roblox platform to gain an unfair advantage over other players or to cause upset to other players is not permitted. Examples of this include:

  • Modification of Humanoid WalkSpeed
  • Noclipping a Player’s Character
  • Unauthorised execution of client-side code
  • Unauthorised calling of remote functions and events
  • Using Exploits to disturb others such as flinging them, etc.
    Note: If an in-game Moderator believes you are using exploits, you will be permanently banned.

2b. Intellectual property theft on any assets owned by (“Soro’s”) or (“Soro’s Development Team”) is not permitted. Soro’s will actively work to remove any stolen assets such as code and models using the appropriate laws in place, e.g. Copyright Designs and Patents Act.

2c. Any unauthorised access to any internal websites, which are used by our Executive and Moderation Teams to store certain data such as bans, suspensions, etc; is not allowed. If we deem it to be serious enough, Soro’s may choose to involve Law Enforcement agencies to resolve this issue.
Note: This includes the use of links, taking passwords, getting into unauthorised accounts, etc.

3: Staff Guidelines
This section will include our basic Community Guidelines for staff (Trainee+). These guidelines, if not followed, will result in actions such as suspensions; demotions and/or in-game bans.

3a. We do not permit the act of farming (“Worker Points”) at the Restaurant. If you are found to be ‘farming’ “Worker Points”, you will be suspended and/or demoted from your rank. If you are not working, you should turn off your “Work” button to ensure you are not ‘farming’ points during this time.

3b. As a Staff Member, you are not required to use grammar unless you are a part of our Executive or Corporate Teams. However, you do need to remain professional and should type to a ‘good’ standard, to which everyone in-game can understand what you are typing to them.

3c. If you are in violation of any Community Guidelines, not only will you face action from our Moderation Team, you will also be subject to a suspension and/or demotion. Please ensure you are familiar with our expectations as we expect our staff to adhere to our guidelines at all times.

Loopholing any of the rules listed above is not permitted. All action taken by our Moderation Team is at their discretion, and they have the permissions to take action if they deem it necessary.

If you are found to be breaking any of these Community Guidelines when in-game, you will be subject to a warning, kick or a ban by a member of the Soro’s Moderation Team. If you believe you have been wrongly punished, you can raise this concern with our Support Team.

When in-game, you are to abide by the Roblox Terms of Service at all times. If you are unfamiliar with the Roblox Terms of Service, you can view them by clicking here. :hammer_and_pick: :star:

Thank you for your cooperation, and we hope to see you around! Have fun!
~ Soro’s Restaurant Franchise

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