SPACE VIBE Update [02/01/2025]


1. New screen for Jetpack

  • ( the interface has been changed to make it look simple and modern, also now has illumination, so you can see the amount of oxygen and energy without problems.)

2. Visual improvements

  • ( Changed lighting properties to give a better visual quality to the game)
  • (Below is a before and after picture so you can see the improvement.)



3. Jetpack Speed Increase

  • (Jetpack speed increased)

4. Minor Bug Fix

  • ( Now you can go with the Jetpack in first person without being disturbed by the jetpack screen.)



5. Small changes in the base

  • (Orb collision has been improved.)

General Information:

Flight Controls

To start Flight Mode:



Touch Devices:





:no_entry_sign: Not available.

At the bottom of this page, I’ve included two lists: one showing the progress of bug fixes and another detailing the features that are going to be added or changed in the game. I’ve done this in case anyone is interested in following the game’s progress almost in real-time. Lastly, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read this and for visiting this page! :slight_smile:

Progress on Bug Fixes and Features to Add or Change

Bug Fixes Progress:

:green_circle: Fixed: Fully solved and in the game
:yellow_circle: Resolved: Has been resolved but is not in the game.
:orange_circle: In Progress: Currently being worked on.
:red_circle: Buggy: Identified as an issue and not yet resolved.

Bug/Issue Status Notes
The character can not move 🟒 Fixed when entering the game or respawning, the character can not move
Chargers 🟒 Fixed the action of putting the jetpack into the charging station or disconnecting it and re-equipping the jetpack may cause you to stop touching the orb and not be able to control the character and die from lack of oxygen.
Animation 🟒 Fixed the animation when you exit the orb, when not using the jetpack or when you do not have the jetpack when exiting the base, may not load or does not work.
Jetpack πŸ”΄ Buggy if you load the jetpack while in first person, the jetpack screen does not become visible.

Features to Add or Change:

:green_circle: Completed: The Feature is fully developed and is inside the game.
:yellow_circle: Ready for Release: The Feature is completed and ready to be added in the next update.
:orange_circle: In Progress: The Feature is being worked on.
:red_circle: Planned: The Feature is planned but not yet started.

Feature Status Notes
New screen for Jetpack 🟒 Completed The Jetpack screen is going to be changed.
Increase Jetpack Speed 🟒 Completed The speed of the Jetpack will increase in speed.
Space 🟒 Completed Space will be changed.
Lighting 🟒 Completed The general lighting of the game has been changed, for a better experience.
Gui πŸ”΄ Planned I plan on putting a gui at the top of the screen where you can see in real time how much energy and oxygen you have in the jetpack, you can also see its charge status when you take it to charge in the chargers.
Virtual Reality πŸ”΄ Planned support for virtual reality glasses will be implemented.

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