Spaghetti - Visual Scripting Plugin

Hey! I just made this plugin:


  • convert to lua
  • undo redo
  • change themes
  • change node color and resize them
  • group nodes
  • create custom nodes
  • work with gui, tween services
  • create any script you want
  • debug with node marked in red when an error is spotted

its not 100% finished yet but I need feedbacks:

how much do you rate it /10??

Would you buy it for 429 rbx?

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

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Very cool, but I think 429 robux is quite steep


thank you. But 429 is actually 3$ for me or a dev who earned those robuxes. and build a plugin like this requires time so it’s justified for me. that’s why I made the pool, to know if people could buy this , if not I will not continue working on it

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Cool looking plugin, but most I’d pay for it is 150 robux, especially considering there’s block programming plugins that are free.

Yes it may only be $3, but why would someone pay $3 when they can just pay nothing for something that’s similar and more developed?

In theory; cool plugin. Price is a little high considering the competition.

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Thanks for the feedback! I’ll consider that but I don’t think I’ll work on it for less than 300

Well being obsessed with the price def isnt the right answer, if you can sell 10 copies at $3 but 1000 copies at $1 then its defiantly a good idea to drop the price. Otherwise looks cool

What video format is this? I can’t eve open it

Supply and demand :woozy_face:
Same way moon animator did lol

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i gess its .mov, I recorded it and didn’t convert. but don’t worry I will actually not make it lol

I agree with the others on the price drop, but hear me out.

most advanced developers would probably not need this as scripting becomes easier with time and experience. however this plugin would be absolutely perfect for beginners who are just starting out. because of this they may not have a lot of robux if any at all, and targeting that specific audience would yield more purchases as there would be more individuals in need of this plugin.


but do you think there is a lot of those devs?

there are a lot of new developers everyday, I think you should say in the description that its a great tool for scripters just starting out, which would make sure they know what this plugin is for. as for the price, that would be up to you but if it was me I would say anything below 200 robux.

now if you wanted to appeal to advanced developers and keep the price I think there should be features in the plugin that they would use although I’m not sure what those features would be.

Looks nice!
I think you could make the icons at the top of the blocks a bit smaller maybe?

I think that is not a bad price. If the plugin is going to be polished enough and has enough features people will buy it anyway (anyone can afk on PLS donate) so I don’t think you should worry too much about it.

Good job!


I think(in my opinion) that advanced devs would also like something like that. I have 5 years of experience in coding (Roblox unreal and unity) and I’m not saying im an advanced dev but I like sometimes using nodes to code some simple thinks so it wouldn’t only be for beginner. Also I think 200 is to low, I would be targeting quality under quantity . I dont know i havé to Think but thank for the feedback :slight_smile:

Thank you for that feedback! If I continue I’ll review the icons :raised_hands: and I think polish it and keep the price as it is​:+1: and if that doesn’t work can lower it at any time

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wait you actually the one who made block lua? I got the same idea before you publish but you has been faster :joy: :joy: I made an other scratch version but gave up , it was called scratchily blocks. I love your work

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