Spawning in ground

This is the gif of the problem

It threw me back underground after I dragged myself up

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Not really being able to replicate the issue, but my speculation is that the character is actually being SET to spawn in the position of the spawn point. Meaning you should look for a script doing that, and make the character spawn a little above, for anyone’s character to not spawn in the ground, staying stuck.

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So just go into all my scripts and look threw them all?

Ctrl + Shift + F + “path descending to the spawnpoint”

Where are the spawn locations currently? Are they underground? If they are, try moving them a few studs above your terrain, and make sure, if you have multiple spawn locations, you move them all up.

EDIT: I found someone with a (somewhat) similar problem to yours, and the fix for him was to move the spawn location up. Look: Character Spawns Glitchy (HipHeight Issue)

@kevman599, I would like you to show the start screen, then select the “Parents” team, and show you spawning.

Edit: @kevman599, Where is the spawn point at? (Send Screenie)

It just hops me like you guys said I should put into their.

Try changing this

character:MoveTo(character.HumanoidRootPart.Position +,3,0))

to this

character.Humanoid:MoveTo(character.HumanoidRootPart.Position +,3,0))

Character doesn’t have a MoveTo function

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Did not work. It did not jump me this time like the char:moveto, but it just kept me still

Read the edit I’ve done on the last reply of mine.

Where are they originally placed at…?


Wait what… Where are they originally placed?

Hm. In the gif you sent in looks like the player spawns above then falls through the floor.

Yea. That is what happens And when dragged up it was like something pulled me back under the map

As I said earlier, try moving your spawn locations up a good number of studs into the air. If the problem persists, you likely have a script that’s doing something to players that are Parents.

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It happens to the kids, and teens to, tho it pops them back up after a second

Oh interesting. Could you try moving the spawn locations up into the air a few studs up?

I did, it just took longer to fall down into the ground