I’m trying to make a part that spawns a random cube from a folder. I’m having some trouble figuring out how I would do that. I’d also like to be able to control the chances of certain cubes spawning.
local spawnerPart = script.Parent
local cubes = workspace.Cubes.Basic
local maxCubes = 10
local spawnedCubes = 0
while true do
if spawnedCubes < maxCubes then
--Spawn the Cubes
spawnedCubes += 1
elseif spawnedCubes == maxCubes then
print("Max Cubes")
Sorry wasn’t sure if that was the problem or not …
Here is a quicky. Keys off the size of the “spawner”
Tried to use your code a bit. Or atleast match up to it.
local cube = workspace.Cubes.Basic.Cube
local spawner = script.Parent
local sX = spawner.Size.X
local sZ = spawner.Size.Z
local sY = spawner.Position.Y +
spawner.Size.Y /2 + cube.Size.Y /2
local pause = 1
function SpawnArea()
local X = math.random(-sX /2, sX /2)
local Z = math.random(-sZ /2, sZ /2)
local spot = Vector3.new(X, sY, Z)
return spot
function PlaceCube()
local clone = cube:Clone()
local spot = SpawnArea()
clone.Parent = workspace
clone.Position = spot
local maxCubes = 10
local spawnedCubes = 0
while true do
if spawnedCubes < maxCubes then
spawnedCubes += 1
if spawnedCubes == maxCubes then
Drop this script in the baseplate, set the pause to 0.01 and the maxCubes to 500. (for testing).
To select something in a weighted-random fashion you just need to map a randomly selected number’s range on to a list of possible cubes. math.random() returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0. If you want one cube to have a 10% chance and another cube to have 90% chance, then a value between 0.0 and 0.1 should spawn the rare cube and values over 0.1 should spawn the common cube.
So how I would select a child of the folder to spawn in? I don’t think that GetChildren would work in this case, so I’m not sure how I could get the children of the folder and select one randomly
Make the selection in your code then look up the cube model using its name. You could have a table like this:
local chances = {
["rareCube"] = 0.1,
["commonCube"] = 0.9,
local function SelectCube()
local r = math.random()
for cubetype, chance in pairs(chances) do
r -= chance
if r <= 0 then
return cubetype
local cubeToSpawn = CubeFolder[SelectCube()]:Clone()