Speaker bass bump

Hello I am trying to make a speakers bass move to the beat of an audio. However, im not quite sure if I am going about this situation correctly. Basically all I want to do is detect if there is audio playing and then make my part move based on the audios bass or whatever.

When doing it the way I have, it will constantly keep firing and it does not seem like it is working correctly. Can someone help me out???

while active_LOOPS[newVal] ~= nil and Currval == true do --INFINITE LOOP. only while the script can find the corresponding value in the active table
			task.wait(math.random() * 0.6)
			local SPEAKERS = vars.Parts["Speakers"];
			local AUDIO = vars.Parts["Audio"];
			if AUDIO.IsPlaying == true and  AUDIO.PlaybackLoudness > 50 then
				for _,obj in pairs(SPEAKERS:GetDescendants()) do
					if obj.ClassName == "Model" then
						if obj:FindFirstChild("FX") then
							local bumper = obj.BassBumper
							local FX = obj.FX
							local goal = {}

							if vars._POWER_SWITCH_.Value == true then
								goal.Size = Vector3.new(bumper.Size.X, bumper.Size.Y, bumper.Size.Z)
								bumper.Size = Vector3.new(bumper.Size.X,AUDIO.PlaybackLoudness*0.001,bumper.Size.Z) --Make the bass bumper move
								local tween = tweenService:Create(bumper, TweenInfo.new(0.175), goal) --smooth move back to original position
								FX.Value = true
								task.wait(math.random() * 0.2)
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try printing the PlaybackLoudness, if it’s always higher than 50 then it’s going to do it every time, increase the 50 if that’s the case.

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But what about each audio having different playback loudness? Some would have higher and always get played while others will never get played more…

you can use variables / values to set the requirement it has to be above

This is what I have. Do you think it is good? It is not final product. I just threw something together. I am trying to make the part resize to the majority of the beat of every song. I am not sure I like the randomness? I am trying to go for more audio related that time related if that makes sense.

while  true do --INFINITE LOOP. only while the script can find the corresponding value in the active table
	task.wait(0.2 + math.random() * 0.4)	
	local SPEAKERS = vars.Parts["Speakers"];
	local AUDIO = vars.Parts["Audio"];
	local boolValue = Instance.new("BoolValue")
	local randomNumber = math.random() * AUDIO.PlaybackLoudness * 0.01
	local randomBool = randomNumber > 0.4 --??

	boolValue.Value = randomBool
	if boolValue.Value == true then
		local choice = true
		for i = 1, math.random(1,5) do
			choice = not choice
	    local bumper = obj.BassBumper
		local FX = obj.FX
		local goal = {}

		goal.Size = Vector3.new(bumper.Size.X, bumper.Size.Y, bumper.Size.Z)
		bumper.Size = Vector3.new(bumper.Size.X,AUDIO.PlaybackLoudness*0.001,bumper.Size.Z) --Make the bass bumper move

	    local tween = tweenService:Create(bumper, TweenInfo.new(0.175), goal) --smooth move back to original position

         if choice == false then
			--other code

I don’t think you should make it random, but go for it.

Anybody else got some opinions?

I think this guy created what you are needing:

while active_LOOPS[newVal] ~= nil do --INFINITE LOOP. only while the script can find the corresponding value in the active table
					task.wait(0.2 + math.random() * 0.4)

					local SPEAKERS = vars.Parts["Speakers"];
					local AUDIO = vars.Parts["Audio"];

					if AUDIO.IsPlaying == true and vars._POWER_SWITCH_.Value == true and AUDIO.TimeLength >0 then
						local boolValue = Instance.new("BoolValue")
						local randomNumber = math.random() * AUDIO.PlaybackLoudness * 0.01 	-- Generate a random number based on the playback loudness

						-- Convert the random number to a boolean:
						local randomBool = randomNumber > 0.7 -- Adjust someThreshold based on your preference
						print(randomNumber) --for testing purposes.

						-- Set the BoolValue
						boolValue.Value = randomBool
						print(boolValue.Value) --for testing purposes

						if randomNumber > 0.5 then
							for _,obj in pairs(SPEAKERS:GetDescendants()) do
								if obj.ClassName == "Model" then
									if obj:FindFirstChild("FX") then
										local bumper = obj.BassBumper
										local FX = obj.FX
										local goal = {}

										goal.Size = Vector3.new(bumper.Size.X, bumper.Size.Y, bumper.Size.Z)
										bumper.Size = Vector3.new(bumper.Size.X,AUDIO.PlaybackLoudness*0.001,bumper.Size.Z) --Make the bass bumper move

										local tween = tweenService:Create(bumper, TweenInfo.new(0.175), goal) --smooth move back to original position

						--Play FX:
						if boolValue.Value == true then
							for _,obj in pairs(SPEAKERS:GetDescendants()) do
								if obj.ClassName == "Model" then
									if obj:FindFirstChild("FX") then
										local FX = obj.FX

										if FX.Value == false then
											FX.Value = true
										task.wait(math.random() * 0.02)


Im trying to make my part move to the beat but it is just random. If I dont use a wait, it just beats to everything