Spinning Donut with only ASCII

local function renderDonut()
    local A, B = 0, 0 -- Rotation angles
    local width, height = 40, 20 -- Screen size in characters
    local theta_spacing = 0.07
    local phi_spacing = 0.02
    local R1, R2, K2 = 1, 2, 5
    local K1 = width * K2 * 3 / (8 * (R1 + R2))

    while true do
        local z_buffer = {}
        local output = {}

        -- Initialize buffers
        for i = 1, width * height do
            z_buffer[i] = 0
            output[i] = ' '

        -- Render the donut
        for theta = 0, 2 * math.pi, theta_spacing do
            for phi = 0, 2 * math.pi, phi_spacing do
                local cosA, sinA = math.cos(A), math.sin(A)
                local cosB, sinB = math.cos(B), math.sin(B)
                local cosTheta, sinTheta = math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta)
                local cosPhi, sinPhi = math.cos(phi), math.sin(phi)

                local circleX = R2 + R1 * cosTheta
                local circleY = R1 * sinTheta

                local x = circleX * (cosB * cosPhi + sinA * sinB * sinPhi) - circleY * cosA * sinB
                local y = circleX * (sinB * cosPhi - sinA * cosB * sinPhi) + circleY * cosA * cosB
                local z = K2 + cosA * circleX * sinPhi + circleY * sinA
                local ooz = 1 / z

                local xp = math.floor(width / 2 + K1 * ooz * x)
                local yp = math.floor(height / 2 - K1 * ooz * y)

                local luminance = cosTheta * cosPhi * sinB - cosA * cosTheta * sinPhi - sinA * sinTheta + cosB * (cosA * sinTheta - cosTheta * sinPhi * sinA)

                if luminance > 0 then
                    local index = xp + yp * width
                    if index >= 1 and index <= width * height and ooz > z_buffer[index] then
                        z_buffer[index] = ooz
                        local chars = {'.', ',', '-', '~', ':', ';', '=', '!', '*', '#', '$', '@'}
                        local luminanceIndex = math.floor(luminance * 8)
                        output[index] = chars[luminanceIndex] or '.'

        -- Print the frame
        local frame = ""
        for i = 1, width * height do
            if i % width == 0 then
                frame = frame .. "\n"
            frame = frame .. output[i]

        task.wait(0.05) -- Control speed

        A = A + 0.04
        B = B + 0.08

-- Start rendering in a coroutine

¿What the Robloxment is this?

The script is a spinning ASCII donut in Roblox Studio’s Output window, based on the classic ASCII donut algorithm (“donut.c”). It uses math to simulate 3D rotation, rendering a torus (donut shape) using ASCII characters.

How It Works:

  1. Uses math to rotate the donut
  • Two rotation angles A and B continuously update.
  • theta and phi control the donut’s shape in 3D.
  1. Projects 3D points onto a 2D ASCII grid
  • Converts 3D coordinates to screen coordinates (xp, yp).
  • Uses depth buffering (z_buffer) to determine which points are in front.
  1. Chooses ASCII characters based on lighting
  • Brighter areas use characters like @ and #, while darker areas use . or -.
  1. Prints the donut frame-by-frame
  • The print() function continuously updates, creating a spinning effect in the Output.

Where to See It?

  • Run it in Roblox Studio inside a Script (ServerScriptService or StarterPlayerScripts).
  • Open the Output window (View → Output or Dev Console with F9).
  • The donut will spin continuously, updating in real-time.
  • PRECAUTION: you need to scroll down to the Dev Console to see it animate

So ,the unique bug is there a missaligned line of characters at the right of the time date so I let it here

1 Like

This is cool and all but at least learn from ChatGPT’s scripts instead of copy-pasting them


You gave chatgpt a prompt to make a spinning donut and now you’re saying that you coded it yourself?


I am surprised of your confidence that you still pasted its response here to “teach” us on how it works LOLLLL!!!


Ok but this is actually pretty nice i didnt know u could do that in the dev console but u cant just let chatgpt do all the work for u

He removed it lol

That’s a nice ASCII donut, ChatGPT!