Sponsored ads stopping after just a few hours, wasting all of the $$ spent on them

Reproduction Steps

I ran 2 sponsored ads today for a combined spend of 40k Robux. Both ads stopped after just a few hours, meaning I only got a small fraction of the players that I paid for. This really hurts the launch of the game.

There are no reproduction steps of note beyond simply running a sponsored ad and watching it stop very early.

Expected Behavior

I expected my sponsored ads to run for a full 24 hours before stopping.

Actual Behavior

My sponsored ads stopped very early, after just a few hours, they are now stuck and have not completed.


No work around. I have to keep throwing more money at it and hope that it sticks. Also no idea on timescales for a refund to free up the funds again to run more ads.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Roblox
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-09-07 00:09:00 (+01:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-09-07 00:09:00 (+01:00)
A private message is associated with this bug report


Can you precisely provide a screenshot of the sponsor’s showing start date and end date?

We trust you totally but it’s better to have clearer details otherwise they’ll ask for it anyways.

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It doesn’t show here what time they actually stopped though, only what time there were intended to complete.

Also have this issue

Sponsors Randomly Stopped - Bug Reports / Website Bugs

Thanks for the report. Are you still experiencing this issue? The OP of the other post said that it was fixed for them.

Resolved in the linked topic above!