Sprinting and walking animation based on player speed?

Yes there is, one moment let me create a script.

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I would recommend using the Player’s HumanoidRootPart as to get the amount of speed the player is accelerating at.

  local maxSpeed = MAX_WALK_SPEED; -- Maximum speed value for full animation speed
  local currentSpeed = <HumanoidRootPart>.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude;
  local normalizedSpeed = math.min(currentSpeed / maxSpeed, 1);

  -- If you want to apply a simple smoothing (ease out quad) as an example
  local smoothedSpeed = normalizedSpeed * normalizedSpeed;



Ok, I believe I did it. Tell me if there are any errors on your end and then I can correct them. Same thing as before use this as a local script under StarterCharacterScripts:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local character = script.Parent 
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local animator = humanoid:WaitForChild("Animator")
local humanoidRootPart = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")

local MAX_WALK_SPEED = humanoid.WalkSpeed -- or any value of your choosing


local runAnimation = Instance.new("Animation")
runAnimation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://" .. DEFAULT_RUNNING_ANIMATION
runAnimation = animator:LoadAnimation(runAnimation)
runAnimation.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Idle

local renderConnection 

local isRunning = false

local function startRun()
	if isRunning == true then
	isRunning = true

local function stopRun()
	if isRunning == false then

	isRunning = false

local function determine(deltaTime)
	if humanoidRootPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude > 20 then
		local maxSpeed = MAX_WALK_SPEED -- Maximum speed value for full animation speed
		local currentSpeed = humanoidRootPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude
		local normalizedSpeed = math.min(currentSpeed / maxSpeed, 1)

		-- If you want to apply a simple smoothing (ease out quad) as an example
		local smoothedSpeed = normalizedSpeed * normalizedSpeed

humanoid.StateChanged:Connect(function(previous, current)
	if previous == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Running then
		if renderConnection ~= nil then

			renderConnection = nil

	elseif current == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Running then
		if renderConnection == nil then
			renderConnection = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(determine)

character:WaitForChild("Animate"):WaitForChild("walk"):WaitForChild("WalkAnim").AnimationId = "rbxassetid://" .. DEFAULT_WALKING_ANIMATION

Going off of what Ace said, I think it would be very useful to add a change in animation speed as well.

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What went wrong: no walking animation anymore, When running the running animation plays but frozen in one keyframe

Heres the console although nothing came in it whenever i started/stopped running:

also yes, i think that making the run animation faster would be even better

Ah, I see the problem, one moment.

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I have just edited the script above to fix the problem and apply Ace’s contributions to the animation speed.

Let me know if there are any errors from the script, or if it does not function as intended.

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it seems the animation refresh works great, though the walking animation is now the default roblox and the running animation is the custom running animation

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My apologies, let me add a place where you can edit the custom walking animation.

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Just edited it to allow you to change the default walking animation ID. Hopefully nothing errors, if it does let me know.

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You are a legend, thank you so much my dude.

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which part exactly changes the speed of the animation when running?

runAnimation:AdjustSpeed(smoothedSpeed) is the part that changes the speed of the animation.
If you want to scale to make it faster or whatnot you could do runAnimation:AdjustSpeed(smoothedSpeed * x) x being any number you choose.

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Hey, apologies for the late comeback but I just tested the game in roblox itself, not in studio and in there no animations are loaded. only jump, whenever i walk or run my character stays just standing up straight

Where is the game published under and where are the animations published under?

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I just saw this question answered a day ago …
Here … if not … Here

The game is published under my group and the animations under my profile, should I add the animations to my group too?

I’m pretty sure that’s the problem. So yes. Tell me what happens.

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Yea, this was the problem. Thanks!

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