Sprinting and walking animation based on player speed?

which part exactly changes the speed of the animation when running?

runAnimation:AdjustSpeed(smoothedSpeed) is the part that changes the speed of the animation.
If you want to scale to make it faster or whatnot you could do runAnimation:AdjustSpeed(smoothedSpeed * x) x being any number you choose.

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Hey, apologies for the late comeback but I just tested the game in roblox itself, not in studio and in there no animations are loaded. only jump, whenever i walk or run my character stays just standing up straight

Where is the game published under and where are the animations published under?

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I just saw this question answered a day ago …
Here … if not … Here

The game is published under my group and the animations under my profile, should I add the animations to my group too?

I’m pretty sure that’s the problem. So yes. Tell me what happens.

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Yea, this was the problem. Thanks!

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