Staff Nametag Issue

Just switched to billboard gui, no output error but it won’t show. Is this because I haven’t positioned it or? The script:

if Player:GetRankInGroup(10402709) > 8 then
		print(Player.Name..' is a greater rank than 8!')
		local TextLabel = script.Badges.BillboardGui:Clone()
		TextLabel.TextLabel.Text = 'Staff Team'
		local Char = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
		TextLabel.Parent = Char.Head

your actually setting the text label’s parent to the head. set the text labels parent to the bill board gui.

So TextLabel.Parent = BillboardGui ?

The variable is just named incorrectly, the variable TextLabel is referring to the BillBoardGui.

It looks like now you just need to position the GUI so that it’s visible. However, just to be safe, use the explorer while testing to check if the BillboardGui is actually parented to your Head.

Okay! Sorry if this seems dumb I’m not a scripter at all, I would have to test play, go into the explorer then go to my head and see if the gui is in there?

You could also use the Test state to figure out how to position the GUI if you mess with its properties.

I can rewrite a whole new name tag script system if you need. Make sure that the GUI is properly set up. Look in the explorer when you do a test to see if your avatar even has a GUI in their head.

Okay! The script works, I’m just struggling with the positioning right now haha.

One more thing: I just glanced at the explorer in your original post and the screenshot of your character. It looks like there may already be a system to adding labels to users set up by some other dev as you have the “Chairman” title.
I’d suggest checking that out. Anyways, it looks like the code you’ve set up to implement the title works fine now.

There is a property of the bill board gui that allows you to set a offset from the head. Set the middle number(Y) to 2. this should position the text over you head. Like this:image