Standby mod 24/7

There should always be at least 1 staff member online 24/7 so that the GWT [Big Weekend Trolling] cannot repeat itself. Or that an on-call staff is called up when there are a lot of reports, and quickly takes action.

[The whole seriousness of the posts has diminished considerably since the GWT (1.6.24-2.6.24)]

[And only release announcements when they are fully functional, not like the group update.]


I dont think anyone would want to spend their entire life monitoring the devforums.


A more viable solution would be to return the Community Sage (or some volunteer moderators) program.

Have a few highly trusted developers look over the forum at the weekend with the permission to lock & unlist, and moderators cover the flags and the duties at office hours.


. Or that an on-call staff is called up when there are a lot of reports, and quickly takes action.

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It makes sense but a 24/7 moderator probably violates many many many workplace regulations and stuff. I am not really sure though. Roblox is a corporation and those who manage and work in it probably know it the best instead of us, a few random players commenting on active events.

They could also bring some kind of an AI moderator, I am not exactly sure on how they can actually do this though.

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Alternate? Night shift? Or that an on-call staff is called up when there are a lot of reports, and quickly takes action.


Having one person be on call 24/7 might not be the best solution. But I do think it is a problem that there are gaps in moderation that need to be filled. There should ideally be no noticeable drop in moderation at certain times of the day or on certain days of the week. Roblox should invest in moderators to fill those gaps.

I’m surprised this is an issue on the Devforum because this wasn’t really as much of a problem on the original Roblox Forums, which were much harder to moderate because any Roblox user could post about any subject under the sun. Back then, there were moderators who worked overnight shifts. I remember my favorite moderator would sometimes reply to users’ threads and have some casual conversation about how they were drinking coffee at 3 in the morning. I think something like that on the Devforum would be amazing: any time of day, any day of the week, there’s at least some eyes on the forums to keep rulebreakers at bay. Even better if they engage with the community so the moderation team is viewed as a part of the community as opposed to just those people who sometimes close your threads or send out prewritten warnings messages.

Unfortunately, I think asking for more moderation will never work because the Roblox Corporation seems to be decisively against that. If I remember correctly, Roblox communicated to shareholders that one of their goals is to significantly reduce the amount of money they spend on moderation by laying off as many human moderators as possible in favor of AI. I support and agree with the spirit of what this thread is asking for (more moderation), but I think Roblox wants to go in the opposite direction.


The devforums is a serious place for developers. Don’t compare it with the old forums.

I think you may have missed the point of the comparison. It is precisely because the Devforum is different from the old forums that you’d expect moderation to be more reliable here, not less. The userbase is mostly aspiring developers as opposed to the entire platform, the subject matter is Roblox-related as opposed to literally anything, you’d think moderation wouldn’t be as big of an issue here as it was on the old forums.

The fact that the old forums had consistently available teams of moderators day and night seven days a week and those moderators went above and beyond by making an active effort to engage with the community is legitimately impressive. The fact that the Devforum has very noticeable gaps in moderation at nighttime and on weekends despite the smaller scope is disappointing in comparison.

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