Static UI Performance Improvements

Will static semi-transparent GUIs continue to update every frame?


Wouldn’t it be better to completely ignore non-visual descendants of Guis?


No, transparency does not affect caching.

Yes. That is one improvement we may make in the future. We avoided this in V1 to save some development time and try to avoid a bug situation where we have to disable this feature because we forgot to mark a property or class as visual.


@Homeomorph I think this has started to cause issues with my plugin. It seems like it’s not getting redrawn properly, which is causing the the UI to appear really messed up:

I can confirm that it is simply not updating visually. Nor is it working properly with the animations. When I click on the little chevron things, they’re supposed to animate & rotate 90 degrees. However, it either doesn’t work or has really low FPS.

Edit: Is there anything I can do to force a redraw for the time being?

Edit 2: If it’s helpful to have a copy of this plugin, it’s available here.


Did this start happening today, or has it been around for longer?

I first noticed it today, but haven’t used Studio for like a week. Another user reported this to me and a third user mentioned experiencing this issue a few days ago.

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I haven’t experienced this issue today at all. Was something changed or rolled back?

There was a change that went live yesterday morning and had to be reverted in the afternoon due to a somewhat similar sounding issue, which is why I was asking if it started happening today.

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